Tag Archives: findom

#verbalabuse #financialdomination New Recordings for #smallcocklosers #stupid #faggots & more


I’ve lowered the prices on all pay-per-call non-hypnosis recordings now that I have them all uploaded & approved! Regularly $1.89/minute (may vary by country), they are now only $0.99/minute (ditto). This includes the previously announced Faggot Beratement and Ca$hfag Ca$tigation as well as Muscle Growth Roleplay and Jock Bro Invasion. New files include:

*Probably a bit more on the mocking side than abusive side. It’s just more my style.
Each one is pretty obvious what it mocks 😉

*Based on the concept of confusion inductions, but not full hypnosis files or anything like that. Still, some of you might enjoy them. Look up confusion inductions first if you need to, as others of you will just think they’re stupid. But some of you will be able to truly let go with this style.
FINANCIAL CONFUSION MINDFUCK – Confusing you to accept that MY pleasure is your pleasure as you stroke along.
STUPID CONFUSION – Having each stroke dumb you down so you can just let go and enjoy the night.

Give them a try, leave me some amazing feedback, send some tributes, and don’t forget about all the new games as you BOW DOWN TO THE HYPNOSUPERIOR.


#Fags – Where did you Moms go Wrong? #financialdomination

As I celebrate my fantastic mom who did such a great job raising me into a confident and talented man, I can’t help but wonder how your moms did with you.

I mean, perhaps some of you are like this because you didn’t have a mom, or had a mom with addiction issues, or who was abused or an abuser, or an overbearing mother (anyone watch “Bates Motel” for an example?). However, I’m betting many of you had great moms… just that they didn’t know what to do with you.

They maybe saw there was something wrong with you, but they didn’t know how to address it. So they just ignored the issue, letting you develop further into the weak loser you are. They maybe tried to encourage you that “everything would be okay,” but whatever they suspected probably was nowhere close to the truth of the nasty, perverted thoughts going through your fagmind.

I wonder how many of them would be disappointed in you, if they knew you were giving your money away to a Man like me. Surely having your faggot desires and loser fetishes exposed would test the limits of a parent’s unconditional love. Because it’d take one hell of a mother to keep loving a fucking failure of a man like you.

But, it’s okay to feel ashamed and have your secrets fag. So long as you know that the only way to help you feel better is to give in and pay those Superiors like me you desperately long to serve. Because even if your mom can’t accept you for who you are, I sure can. I can accept you for the pathetic loser you are, so long as you serve me well.

One faggot just tried to screw me over on a deal, and it is all the more reason why I fucking hate fags that make promises. Though I have some that have served me well repeatedly, they typically don’t promise me things – they just enjoy the files and pay when triggered, or make it worth the time for a session, etc. But the ones that are full of promises seem to be full of shit ( yes I mean you 21 Teketeke … you’ll be unblocked when you make it right )… didn’t your moms teach you fuckers the value of being true to what you say, and set you on the right course? If they did, you clearly were too busy being distracted by your perversions to pay proper attention.

But my mom raised me right… perhaps sometimes too right as I’ve realized better how some of you damn inferiors wish to be treated, which I admit has been a learning curve for me. But I have reason to be proud of her, and she has reason to be proud of me. I doubt many of you can truly say the same. I mean, seriously, where did your moms go wrong? But hey, at least if you were to tell your mom that your money is being used wisely, that wouldn’t be a lie – for it’s always wise to send a tribute to your Superior.

Quiet Yet Busy Taking #FagCash- #financialdomination

Okay, so I haven’t posted much this past week… but don’t you worry about a thing ATMs and pay pigs. I haven’t disappeared.

In fact, I’ve been working on exciting new things to add to the blog – some of which will finally get added this week. A couple things are already submitted to Niteflirt and are simply waiting approval, while others are recorded but need some editing.

And though the start of this week has been a little slow, I certainly had a very good last few weeks – so some of it was simply being busy with sessions!
HypnoSuperior 319Percent NF 41115HypnoSuperior 240Percent NF 41815
HypnoSuperior 108Percent NF 42515

So keep checking in, because I’m ready to keep growing that average – and all you moneyslaves, cashfags and ATMs are going to help me do that! 😉

#ATMs #Cashfags #PayPigs – Payments for #FinancialDomination #Tribute

One of the biggest questions I get asked is about alternative payments – but this is a Niteflirt-linked site (meaning I link from my profiles there to this site) and therefore must abide by their rules – that everything (contact, payment, etc.) goes through Niteflirt. Therefore I must tread a bit lightly with the subject of this post, but I think it’ll be obvious to NF that I am abiding by their rules – for even as I discuss other methods, I’m not giving out payment links/etc. – in fact, I’m not even saying that I have other options, just that there’s one that I used to utilize prior to joining Niteflirt.

I hesitate to write this old payment place out by its full name…  And I’m not saying that just because of the rules of having a Niteflirt compliant site… I am saying that all you stupid fags and slaves that love that one service so much…  the one with the initials P… P… you really need to be looking elsewhere, such as Niteflirt. Perhaps you work with a cashmaster that’s not on NF and loves that other service… but if he at all self-promotes online as I do; if you at all leave notes “tribute for you Master,” etc.; if you like to send multiple tributes over the course of a session – any of this leads to the risk of him being banned, and his accounts frozen for six months. Any cash that’s still in there would be unusable until much later.

I have heard of one guy not on NF who has multiple accounts open using fake names/etc., but P.. P… has upped its game in what it requires for verification in order to withdraw cash and so that’s not a viable option for many. I had thought myself lucky though that I had an old account open, so that when my new account was banned… I still had one account I could use. I just had to be much more careful with it. (on a funny note, the reasoning for the first one said they don’t allow their service to be used by “financial dommes” – so I didn’t think they’d really looked at things that closely.

The second time though, I was careful with what subs said and did with the account. I never allowed more than two payments be sent in one session. I didn’t mention the site on a website I had that wasn’t linked to NF. However, I did mention the e-mail to use with other payment options – and P.. P.. had found the mention of this e-mail on a site they had already become familiar with from when they banned the first one, and though there was absolutely no way for them to know just how I had used their service, the linking of that e-mail to such a site was enough for them to ban the second one.

I could list you a slew of other alternatives … a few US only, but some worldwide … that I’ve never had issues with, though I both can’t due to NF terms and due to own being afraid that these other sites might follow in P…P…’s footsteps. And they may have their reasons, no matter how frustrating it is. Perhaps too many fag losers balked about how much they got raped, or overdid it on credit cards past limits, and the site balked at chargeback fees and the like. But it’s not just them either – it’s the credit cards they work with, and that includes not just financial domination, but erotic hypnosis.

You see, even other fetish sites don’t allows allow hypnosis talk if they take credit card payments because though you can find all sorts of books & CDs about hypnosis on retail sites/etc., when it comes to the sexual it is considered a very dirty word. The reason has to do with the idea of a person being taken advantage of while not fully coherent and not able to give true consent. While I do get this sentiment, as any form of rape shouldn’t be condoned by credit card companies, it goes a bit too far to not allow erotic hypnosis. Things like my files are things people CHOOSE to listen to. Sometimes we include fantasy stuff that’s not mainstream, with the use of “cashrape” often used in financial domination, but everyone is fully aware of what’s going on.  The erotic files are mainly a way for people to get off, and yet a site can talk about cashmasters, wallet rape, faggots, etc. and be allowed to say all that by the credit cards – yet not have hypnosis. One site banned me altogether while another allowed me to stay, but all references to hypnosis had to be removed.

And so then sometimes a sub comes and asks, “Can I pay this way?” and they think I’m being a dick for saying NO. Or don’t get why I’m getting upset when I’ve tried explaining this at least five other times to them, and they still wish to do it. But guess what? You are the dick if you can’t be flexible enough to find a different service that I do accept, which on here is only NF. Afraid of your wife seeing the statement? Well, here’s an idea… get a pre-paid card. If using that certain service is because you like the secrecy, then there are ways to do it with NF too … and in fact, you stay more anonymous on NF than you do on the others. And in terms of visiting the Niteflirt site, you can always delete your browsing history, cookies, etc. and also most browsers have incognito window options these days.

And if you then go on about how you love P…P… to an experienced Cashmaster who’s had his share of drama with that company just as I have, you’re going to either encounter a guy that just wants as much money now regardless of how he gets it, hoping for his best… or someone that’s in it for the long haul that wants to abide by the rules, even if it means turning down some subs along the way. And I’m in this for the long haul, hoping to make many more files this year and for many years to come. And really… YOU ARE INFERIOR. It shouldn’t matter at all what you prefer. And what you prefer should NEVER come before the livelihood of a Master. So even if there were to be a Cashmaster out there who does have a P…P… he uses for a separate legit business, you should NOT be offended when he says you can’t use that for him, or gives you restrictions on how much you can use it. If you don’t want the restrictions, then GO TO NITEFLIRT! Seriously!

Now, NF does take out more fees on my end, but having looked into multiple options of where to host my erotic hypnosis, other options either also wouldn’t allow it (some I could try at the risk of getting banned, then starting over AGAIN); while other options were quite spendy as it’d only be allowed in a high-risk category… which for big producers with the money for that, great; but as a one-man start-up doing his own thing, it wasn’t viable. Some of the shopping cart options also required more programming knowledge than I had, and hiring someone was again not an option for me at this point.

Niteflirt then, despite it’s fees, has given me something that the other options couldn’t provide.
1) Minimal Set-Up Costs – really just my time to make content and such, and a little bit of advertising.
2) Ability to freely advertise Erotic Hypnosis – something I can’t even do on some other fetish sites … and as you know, it’s my specialty.
3) Ease of use – it’s not too hard to copy html from Niteflirt and paste on one’s website for a payment button.
4) More peace of mind that I won’t get caught for doing financial domination, such as if a sub wants to send multiple tributes during a session.

Now, I do still have to be careful, as Niteflirt also can ban people that break their protocols. Usually they give their warnings first. I was hired to do a custom file for a sexual act and edited a version down to sell, and though it was an innocent mistake, I forgot to double check the NF terms. It just didn’t occur to me that it was an act they’d have a problem with. That’s why I was struggling the other day when I asked for humiliation ideas… some of the best ideas involve things that I can’t really mention on NF, so then I was hoping for some creative alternatives. It’s also why on some things they did allow, I have been very clear on the content… for example I am clear that any pup play files are about ADULT HUMAN ROLEPLAY and nothing more than that. And there are certain things I’d like to see, such as certain changes to the feedback policy and some banner ads aimed at gay/bi customers.

In general though, I am grateful that Niteflirt has allowed me a place to host my files and given me the ability to get payments from ATMs, poppers fags, losers and more in exchange for my services. I couldn’t do this without them which is why I do strongly hope that if I ever mess up, that they work with me on simply making clear what I need to do better. I do hope this post hasn’t talked too much about competition – again, I’m not giving out any links, e-mails, or anything like that. Just spelling out my experiences that led to Niteflirt, and why I am very happy that a site such as Niteflirt does exist as I make more fetish hypnosis files in the very future.

The benefits of being on Niteflirt far outweigh any negatives, and I think a smart sub will find that it’s a good alternative for them to enjoy a wider variety of payment options and fun as well.

Big Bills for #PaySlaves & Addicted #ATMs – #financialdomination

Well, yesterday I had a bit of a bill shock when I took my car into the shop and the estimate was much more than expected. I still don’t know the total, and am hoping that it won’t get any worse than the bad news I’ve already been given.

One bright spot is an ATM eager to help me pay for it… and today with a great session, he perhaps helped with 1/7th of the current estimated total (closer to 1/6th if you don’t count NF fees). It was hot to talk with him about the fantasy of calling my auto shop and putting it all on one of his credit cards… and though he probably can’t afford that much all at once, it’s definitely a thought that I love the thought of should any other payslaves wish to add over $1000 to their credit cards for Master’s benefit 😉

Making it even hotter for those of you into ruin… this brainwashed ATM recently learned he is being let go from his company. Now, he still has maybe six weeks left and already has an interview for Friday with the hopes that he can keep paying me for a long time to come… yet, there are no guarantees. But deep down, he knows he exists to make My life better, regardless of his own personal circumstances. I’d love to have some more ATMs programmed like him… ATMs, pay pigs, cashslaves, moneyfags… any that are ready to learn the pleasure of paying Master Josh and assuming my debts.

Want to help me out with unexpected car costs? Send Master Josh a big tribute here.

#Cashmaster loves #shopping with #fagcash & giftcards

Now, those cash tributes go to a variety of things – bills, food, taxes, savings, social life fun… but the gift cards are of course designated for shopping. I could of course also save gift cards and let them pile up, since the ones I get most commonly don’t expire… yet, I always find myself using them up right away.

I mean, my wishlist items total over a million dollars…. and I’d say this helps chip away from it, except for that I’m always finding new things I want! I’ve said before that I am greedy, and that is so true with these cards (although I have occasionally used them to buy family holiday presents and the like as well – so much rewarding to go present shopping when I’m not losing any of my own cash!). But, rather than just wait until I really need an item, I use those gift cards to get what I WANT – and that’s just how it should be. And whether you’re an ATM, pay pig or cashfag, I know that you know it too.

I’ll of course take some photos of what I buy from my shopping spree and spread the fun of it through the blog… it’s always fun to post what I’m enjoying thanks to your payments. If you’d like to check out some of the current items on my wishlist including gift cards, click here or just send some nice cash here.

For #Poppers #Fags – #financialdomination #findomgif

This GIF is for the Poppers Fags… it’s slower than my hypnotic gifs as it’s meant to give you time to pay for your sniffs, but I think you’ll still find that it’s quite effective on your little faggot dicks. So go ahead, get Niteflirt open to pay the HypnoSuperior or click here to pay me tribute along the way as you watch, and get ready to SNIFF, STROKE, OBEY & PAY.


#Wishlist Catch-up: #financialdomination – Get #Master More #Gifts

Here’s some more I got a bit back from loser Barry but just never got around to posting…. easily a couple hundred dollar value worth haul.

Of course a big part of that was the gift card… which was great to get to buy family birthday presents as I have quite a few to buy for through the year.

And certainly I loved not having to spend my own money on my preferred hair gel.

It’s always better when even things I need are purchased by slaves and fags.

But what really upped the cost here was the two 64GB flash drives – always great to have some of those around.

I bet you’d love to see your own gifts for me posted here… so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and visit my wishlist now – or just send a nice cash tribute.

Always Time to #Tribute – #financialdomination #findom #cashmaster

The other day, I received a message from a sub buddy of mine, that enjoys serving his dominant boyfriend but also enjoys my hypnosis and occasionally serving me financially. He asked, “Is it time to tribute?”

Subs, slaves, fags… it is ALWAYS time to tribute.

If you have just been paid, it is time to tribute.

If you find yourself in a submissive mood, it is time to tribute.

If you’ve just enjoyed my hypnosis, it is time to tribute.

If my Superiority over you comes to mind, then it is time to tribute.

If you need to better a Superior’s life, then it is time to tribute.

If you have a deep need to please a Superior, then it is time to tribute.

If you find that my writing can stir your cock, it is time to tribute.

If you just realized your own cock is stirring at the thought of paying Me, then it is time to tribute.

If you identity as a cashslave…. cash cow…. moneypig…. payslave…. ATM…. cashfag…. or any interchangeable terms such as moneyslave…. or pay pig…. then it time to tribute.

If you know deep down that you are always inferior, then it is always time to tribute your Superior, Master Josh.



Amazon #Wishlist – #FinancialDomination #cashmaster

After a move is always a good time to add to one’s wishlist. Now, some things I lost in the move, I don’t currently need due to my new housemate having them. However, I may be moving again down the road and adding a lot more in that case. But don’t you worry paypigs – I still found plenty of new things to add for you to send to me!

One of the casualties of the move was my TV, which despite careful packing, did not survive a huge bump in the road. I also am now without cable going back to over-the-air TV.

That’s why two of my biggest wants are this lovely 40-inch Samsung smart TV to the left, as well as a digital converter box that includes PVR function to allow more recording of my favorite shows.

After all, Master deserves to relax and watch all the TV he wants, doesn’t he? Even if you’re off working a 2nd, 3rd, even 4th job to make me more cash? Yes, you know it’s true.

Other items range from the practical, such as extra storage containers to make up for ones lost during the move, to the extravagant, such as a fancy new camera to take even better photos.

I actually got my current camera from a total cashwhore, and in general it’s pretty good… but you know me, I’m greedy, and love asking for even better things.


That’s why while the above TV is my realistic option for a cashslave to buy Master, I also have a big 60-inch curved TV for anyone wanting to spend big bucks.

I love being spoiled that way, but know not all my fans can afford that. That’s why I’ve added items of varying price ranges, including gift cards to restaurants in the St. Louis area.

Also new to the list are some more drink mixes I’d like to try that should be on the healthier side, extra discs to go along with the main Body Beast set that loser Barry bought me last fall, and a bomber jacket that I think would look pretty sweet on me.

Of course, I always leave gift cards at the top of my wishlist because it’s nice to have that flexibility, and that’s why I also love cash tributes which you can pay here.

If you want to explore  more of my wishlist, you can do so here or on my new Wishlist page.

Back to #FinancialDomination

It feels like forever since I’ve been able to devote quality time to the blog. I had things all scheduled out for getting things in queue before I had to worry about a move… only to have the matter be forced sooner by the roommate.

Now, I could have still done some more blogging… but I decided to treat myself instead when I had some extra time…. to go see the sights of LA… to try restaurants I had yet to try… to soak it all in before I hit the road. And I did this with what I had saved up from all you inferiors.

Now though, it’s time to restock those savings. Between enjoying myself before heading back to the Midwest, gas and hotels along my journey, a flat tire, leaving some stuff behind and needing to restock up on groceries and essentials, Master has been spending all of your cash. Which means, getting back to being active so I can drain more cash from all my ATMs, pay pigs, and other inferiors.

All those things listed as New Year’s resolutions… well, they may have been delayed. But there still goals for the year. More files. More milking on Niteflirt. More hypnotizing your weak minds to enjoy the pleasure of paying Master Josh. So stay tuned…  there’s more hot financial domination to come.

#ATMS PAY $20 NOW – Back to #FinancialDomination


It feels so good, so right, to submit to the trigger.
It feels so good, so right, to give in to the programming.
It feels so good, so right, to simply obey.
It feels so great, so perfect, to simply pay.


It feels so good, so right, to let go as resistance fades away
It feels so good, so right, to respond so automatically
It feels so good, so right, to obey without thought or question
It feels so great, so perfect, to instantly complete that transaction.


Master Josh is back from travels ready to work on new hypnosis
…and ready to financially dominate you.
Give in to My power as you simply obey
And discover how paying your CashMaster can fill you with pleasure.