Tag Archives: control

Not All #Cum Created Equal: #Inferior #CashSlave Submission to #Superior #CashMaster – #FinDom

Sent in by JoshWorshipper, with minor editing by Master Josh:
"Not all cum is created equal
The cum of a superior alpha male is totally different from that of a faggot cocksucker.  [An] alpha male’s cum also has [a specific] purpose: to cause other men to submit to him.... An alpha male is born with special DNA that permeates … Continue Reading ››

Wishlist Wed: On #CashMaster ‘s Xmas List for #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMs #CashFags to Buy NOW

Sometimes us CashMasters and FinDoms get busy with real life. For Me, it's quite a whammy of a month that was already busy due to holidays. Traveling for a funeral combined with unexpectedly apartment searching again (as my waiting list fell through), has left Me with less time online taking calls. I mean, I haven't … Continue Reading ››

Empty Your Mind – #FinDomGif – #walletrape #cashdrain #findom gif #financialdomination

Master Josh could use some graphic design slaves. I'd love someone to make me some transparent spirals I can easily place over text GIFs... though the below does seem to work. So go ahead... relax deeper... and just empty your mind as you stare into the spiral... until you empty your wallet too. Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster Glad To Be Back #Dominating #CashSlaves – #FinDom #CashFag #FinancialDomination

Just made some cash via a Niteflirt phone call and some hypnotic cashdraining and walletrape - all the better to help recover from the hotels and other travel costs incurred. Of course, your fagcash was used on the down payment of my new lease I just got as well 😉  After a week of fun … Continue Reading ››

#ATMs Pay $25 Now – #humanATM #cashslave #financialdomination

ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. Leave your conscious mind behind. Let go to the programming. Lose all your inhibitions. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. Submit to the pleasure. Surrender to the desire. Serve your Master. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. ATMS PAY $25 NOW. Please Master Josh. Provide … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $10 NOW; Plus #PaySlave Reminder – #humanATM #cashdom #hypnoslave #financialdomination

PAYSLAVES - tomorrow marks the halfway point of the month. Have you paid one of my bills or expenses yet? ATMS PAY $10 NOW. ATMS PAY $10 NOW. ATMS PAY $10 NOW. My programmed ATMs are so READY TO PAY and complete that transaction But some of you need more programming. Yet that desire exists DEEP DOWN You … Continue Reading ››

On Freedom & #CashSlavery – #financialdomination

Though I have hypnosis fans & financial subs across the globe, today is of course a big day for Me & my other Americans as it celebrates our nation's independence and founding. Now, personally I love my UK subs too, but the day does mark a day for thinking about freedom. And it's interesting, how we … Continue Reading ››

Power of #Hypnotic Suggestion on #Poppers – #financialdomination #cashslavery

Still being a bit new to poppers, I find myself sometimes questioning the effect - especially when people want to combine with hypnosis. Most have said they don't mix, and I think that's probably true for more long-term changes. I realized today though that they can very much mix for short-term pleasure. I was having a … Continue Reading ››

Taking #Advantage of Those with #FinancialFetish & #Hypnosis




Not Just About #Money – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

When you search out Dom(mes), sometimes you can figure out the ones that are in it just for the money, and the ones that legitimately enjoy other areas as well. Some, for example, like the control. For me, it's less about control and more about influence. Because I do hypnosis for so many different areas, I … Continue Reading ››