Tag Archives: moneydom
Hot #CashRape Session with #MoneySlave Turns #CashMaster On – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Have had some good chats with andiloser lately. Friday, that including nearly $100 in tributes - he paid just a bit more than this.
Well, today, after listening to more of my financial domination hypnosis, he was back for more, and it was even better … Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster ‘s ValentineDay Poems for #PayPigs #CashSlaves #CashFags – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
In honor of Valentine's, two takes on two famous love poems, to remind you of what I truly love... and that's when you show Me just how much you love Me.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My account can reach, as you … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster #WalletRapes Easy $200 from #CashSlave – #PayPig #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Still been busy working on a lot of custom files (btw, I'm offering some for cheaper than usual as part of monthly custom files on my Patreon - Feb/March includes erotic dumb jock and a pup training one if I get enough interest).... but staying open for sessions when possible too, and I just had … Continue Reading ››
#CashFag Downfall = #CashMaster Windfall – #FinancialDomination
Another week, another week of taking money from StupidPiggyBank. Man, what a fucking loser addict he is, but who cares when he gets to feel so much pleasure and I get to relieve him of so much cash? And it is a relieve for him, because a dumbass like him would just fuck everything up … Continue Reading ››
Alpha #CashMaster Gives #HypnoMaster #CashRape Profits – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
What a fine past couple weeks it's been, and I hope this week won't be an exception. While StupidPiggyBank sure lived up to his name, he wasn't the only one to help with that. One of My alpha cashmasters used several popperfags and cashfags to add to his own account - then forwarded some of … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster #CashRapes #CashPig More, Pt 2 – #FinancialDomination
Well, I said there was more - and there was. Stupid Piggy Bank made this an awesome week with not one but two big drainings on Thursday. We're getting him closer and closer to the financial ruin that he knows deep down he deserves, and has been craving - a total fuck-up loser fucking his … Continue Reading ››
#Brainwashed #HumanATM Loves to Pay #CashMaster, #CashDom Loves More $$$ – #FinancialDomination
Meant to post this the other day; been a busy weekend. But I also recently have had a couple more great sessions with My brainwashedATM and I can't wait for our next one. It's amazing how deeply programmed he is... for he knows that the repetition keeps that mind re-wired, even as My power works … Continue Reading ››
#FinancialRuin for #CashPig as #CashMaster #CashRapes More – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
My StupidPiggyBank has fucking done it again - come back for more punishment for what a loser faggot he is. He just craves being put down in his place as I remind him of how worthless, pathetic, and totally inferior to Me he is. And the only solution for someone that is as much of … Continue Reading ››
#CashSlave Adds to Pleasure of #CashMaster – #CashFag #PayPig #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Last night, I had a call from TCATMFag - a long time reader and listener to My hypnosis, but this was our first time actually chatting. He was a bit inebriated, and yet he did not disappoint his Superior as we chatted for over two hours - which on Niteflirt, ended up being $136.58 for … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster Knows Your Mom Ashamed of You #PayPig #CashFag – #findom #financialdomination
I touched on this last year, but Mother's Day is a good time to remind you of it... your mom, for those of you that had one, most likely tried her best with you. And yet, look at what a pathetic little faggot you've turned out to be.
So this year I want to emphasize something … Continue Reading ››
#ATMS PAY $25 NOW – #HumanATM #Cashslave #CashFag #Mindfuck #FinDom #FinancialDomination
I haven't posted a session with my number one ATM for a while, and thought it was about time I did. Aside for editing for length, readability, and anonymity, I've also modified/edited it so that the trigger is for the ATM trigger, as I also haven't posted one of those for a while either. It is long, hypnotic, … Continue Reading ››