Tag Archives: give

#CashMaster Glad To Be Back #Dominating #CashSlaves – #FinDom #CashFag #FinancialDomination

Just made some cash via a Niteflirt phone call and some hypnotic cashdraining and walletrape - all the better to help recover from the hotels and other travel costs incurred. Of course, your fagcash was used on the down payment of my new lease I just got as well 😉  After a week of fun … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster New TV – #financialdomination

Though I'm already falling behind due to my travels this week, fall TV shows have just started back up. Helping out is this new TV that MesmerizedSub got yours truly for my birthday. IMG_1705
Though it's not as … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster Making Gains – plus #payslave reminder – #financialdomination

In an effort to keep transforming my body from cub to musclebear, I'm relying on all of you to help. Helping with that are a couple of gifts from my wishlist courtesy of My subs - casein powder and a supergreens formula. Perfect additions to my regimen.
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#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster Shreddin’ Cash – #financialdomination

You think I need your cash, fag? I don't need your stinkin' money! Fuck you and your cash. I'm shredding it all.
Of course, the above is a joke... I'm far too greedy to ever shred cash. You know how many things I can buy with cash? Of course, that's … Continue Reading ››

Self-Improvement Month, #fag ? Improve the Life of Your #Superior – #findom #financialdomination

September is Self-Improvement Month. It's certainly something I've been working on, not just this month but always, in trying to get more fit, etc. Hypnosis of course is a great way to help with that, and something I'm quite good at as I help others become motivated for fitness as well.  I hope to expand this … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed.: #cashslave worships #CashGod with new tech – #findom #cashmaster #financialdomination

The other week, I foolishly washed and dried my Fitbit One. Yes, even CashGods can make mistakes; it happens. It did not survive. Not wanting to spend My own money on a replacement, I promptly added it to the wishlist where Jo$hWor$hipper saw it and suggested I go with a wristband instead. So I added … Continue Reading ››

#Slave Badges Awarded – #FinancialDomination #Cashslave #WalletRape #Mindfuck

Congrats to HypnoBootsSlave for making it past the $500 mark in tributes - all within the month of August too. Can't wait for your next paycheck end of this week 😉 And a congrats to a new slave, JewFag, for tributing over $250 in a session - and his first 😉 He's said he's looking forward … Continue Reading ››

#Tribute “Just Because” – #financialdomination #cashmaster #cashslave #humanATM #cashfag

Today is "Just Because Day" - a day to do something just because. And that made me think of how you - the humanATMs, payslaves and cashfags of this world - should be reminded how much Superiors like Me love to be tribute "Just Because." I mean, fuck, it's part of why I provide a few … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster on the Go – #financialdomination

Though I was hoping to save some of the gift cards I received for my birthday for fall when I get to upgrade my phone, sometimes "needs" come up first. And sadly, that happened when my current GPS started crapping out on Me. It wasn't that old, yet was past the point of warranty... so … Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster Hard from Your #Tributes – #FinancialDomination

It's been a good week, and it's only Tuesday night! It started with some frustration this weekend as I wasn't available on the lines as much as I would have liked due to a lack of privacy, thunderstorms, and other reasons. One sub - the one I am training to be more obedient to another Master, … Continue Reading ››

Need to Pay #Cashmaster Josh – #FinancialDomination GIF

Thanks to JoshWorshipper for this one! WANTbig

1st #Obedience Badge Earned – #Submission to #CashMaster – #FinancialDomination

Congrats to TakeMyMoneyATM for earning the first obedience badge, "Task Conqueror," by completing five of the submission tasks on the Submit page.
Among the tasks completed were partaking in my birthday challenge (though I think I'll wait to open it tomorrow along with a few others I'm expecting 😉 ), as shown at right. He also completed the task to of handwriting "To … Continue Reading ››