Tag Archives: hypnosis for cashslaves

#CashMaster Hard from Your #Tributes – #FinancialDomination

It’s been a good week, and it’s only Tuesday night! It started with some frustration this weekend as I wasn’t available on the lines as much as I would have liked due to a lack of privacy, thunderstorms, and other reasons. One sub – the one I am training to be more obedient to another Master, with me as a “training Master” and the other as his “one true Master” – messaged Me for more training, so I found a way to make myself available. Both his Master and I benefitted from that as he tipped me for the session, and tribute his Master the same amount as suggested 😉

I’m glad it worked out, as a new slave who had listened to My free hypnosis files, called Me after that. He pleased Me with a great start – time on the phone plus tributes of $5, $10, $25, $40 and $50 building and getting me harder. But he really got Me stroking myself tonight by, once the call is factored in, paying over $400 in one session! Starting with $10 and ending with $100! That’s what I love to see. I’ll have to get him on the badges page for that one. Even though Niteflirt takes their 30%, that’s still a nice 70% for Me and has left me hard. And as My pleasure is your pleasure, I know he had a nice big orgasm after paying all that as well. It’s true: “To Pay Master Josh is Pleasure!”

Of course I’m not just hard from the cash, but as I’ve spoken about before, what the cash symbolizes – the power I have over subs like him. Seeing how much power I already have over this slave is amazing. Fuck I’m still hard from the session and as I share this with you. Here’s hoping for more like him! Perhaps you – if you give my hypnosis a try and then find yourself needing to send some nice big tributes. Of course, the more you pay, the more pleasure you feel … and the higher the amount, the harder I get!

HardFromTributes 08112015

#ATM #CashSlave Adds to #Debt 4 #Cashmaster – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

On Wednesday, I posted about a session with an ATM of mine… here is most of that transcript in which he stroked into trance and allowed my words to program him. If you click read more, this contains both my hypnosis trigger and later the ATM trigger. It also encourages going into debt. You’ve been warned!

And if you still want to proceed, simply click more as you relax… one hand stroking your cock… the other nicely scrolling through this long text session even as you keep going further down into that nice trance state…

Continue reading #ATM #CashSlave Adds to #Debt 4 #Cashmaster – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

Catching Up with a #Hypno #CashSlave – #FinancialDomination

From a recent chat with a recurring cashslave that has listened to many of my files… this is the pleasure and enjoyment my hypno cashslaves get from serving me!

cashslave: talking about commitment… reading all those dollar $ign$ in Your messages reminding me…
HypnoSuperior: Ye$ — it ha$ been a while 😉 Bet it’d feel good to $end $ome ca$h thi$ way
cashslave: …been trying to keep a distance, but theres just s.th. missing… incomplete…
HypnoSuperior: feel$ good to be drawn back in… remembering what you need… how good it i$ to go down that path you were de$tined for… how amazing it feel$ to help $upport and tribute Ma$ter Jo$h
cashslave: yeah, nice and warm feeling… needing to log in…
HypnoSuperior:  feeling $o good to $end .. that nice warm feeling growing more inten$e…. wa$hing over you more and more each time you give
cashslave:  yeeeah, $ent
HypnoSuperior: good $lave… feel$ good I am $ure… keep enjoying it… my voice molding you… taking you where you belong…. a$ you $erve and obey…. and give to a true $uperior
cashslave:  oh fuck, ive ‘been missing this a lot
HypnoSuperior: glad you have remembered that 🙂 hopefully you won’t forget again … ju$t remembering how good it all feel$… able to $low down here and there a$ needed for budget… and yet… alway$ coming back… craving that domination…. to give to Ma$ter Jo$h
cashslave:  cravin for more, so in need to serve
been waitin for too long
HypnoSuperior: definitely can $erve any chance you get 😉 you know I alway$ welcome it… very glad we got to reconnect
cashslave: oh yeeeah, feeling that connection, needing to recharge, still logged in for Ma$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior: $uch a ru$h wa$hing over you – recharge away … if you’d like, you can $end to the other e-mail addre$$ a$ well … it doe$n’t really matter… all that matter$ i$ that amazing feeling of wor$hipping and $erving a $uperior… feeling that recharge building $tronger
cashslave: so many ways to wor$hip, so much to make up for, needing to pay You more ca$h
HypnoSuperior: good $lave… feel$ $o good… feel$ $o right… the more you give, the more plea$ure you feel… the more plea$ure you feel, the more you give…. for MY plea$ure i$ your plea$ure… getting paid by you plea$e$ me mo$t… meaning paying me plea$e$ you mo$t…$o good to Bow Down to the Hypno $uperior
cashslave: $ent … thank You Ma$ter Jo$h! bowing to my Hypno $uperior
HypnoSuperior: you are welcome… enjoy that plea$ure of $erving… I know you will… $uch a good feeling to $ubmit and tribute
cashslave: feeling so good and $ecure to put that ca$h into Your hands, handing it over bit by bit, chunk by chunk, knowing You can spend it so much better than me, feeling that ru$h
HypnoSuperior: exactly… $acrificing for my benefit… knowing I can $pend it better… knowing I de$erve to live in comfort and luxury…. that ca$h now in my hand$ and it feel$ $o good and $o very right
cashslave: oh fuck yeah, looking up as You count those dollar note$ of ca$h, feeling all hard, that ru$h, that adrenaline, that plea$ure, that need, that $ervitude … needing to wor$hip Ma$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior:  just needing to give more and more …. remembering that the more you give, the more plea$ure you feel… the more I get, the more plea$ure I feel… my plea$ure i$ your plea$ure… $o you are plea$ed to give me more and more…. $acrificing for your God… $erving your online Ca$hMa$ter… Wor$hipping your $uperior – a $uperior that de$erve$ it all… even a$ you are left with le$$ … $ending more to lifecoachjosh@outlook.com … or an amazon gift card if you wi$h to $hake it up… just feeling $o amazing to tribute… the more I drain… the more right you feel
cashslave: fucking $ent
HypnoSuperior: that’$ right $lave… that plea$ure building a$ you get led down that road more and more… making up for lo$t time… knowing that extra money i$ better off in my hand$ … $o good and right to $erve your $uperior, Ma$ter Jo$h…
cashslave: fuck You de$erve it all … thanking You for providing $o much plea$ure, Ca$hMa$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior: that’$ right… I do… $imply for the way I’ve been able to get in your head time and time again… molding that $ubmi$$ion… molding that inferior mind… proving I am $uperior… that I de$erve that ca$h… and you are welcome $lave
cashslave: $o fuckin awe$ome, thank$ for bringin me over the edge, $o fuckin hot .. You’re $uch a Pro! … fuck i cant tell how much i mi$$ed that, boy!
HypnoSuperior: enjoyed catching up definitely … glad to have brought you over the edge and glad to know you mi$$ed it… will be looking for more $oon 😉
cashslave: every $lave $hould have $uch a life coach … thank$ for taking Your time .. $o plea$ed here