Tag Archives: findom blog

More #Tribute & #Wishlist Fun – #FinDom #FinancialDomination

I've added a few "mini-games" into the sidebar of the site (you might have to scroll down on mobile) - three total. Each one gives you something to pick, and the result will vary each time you visit, refresh, or go to a new page as the items randomize. First is a tribute generator with amounts … Continue Reading ››

#verbalabuse #financialdomination New Recordings for #smallcocklosers #stupid #faggots & more

CHECK OUT THE DETAILS ON THE RECORDINGS PAGE I've lowered the prices on all pay-per-call non-hypnosis recordings now that I have them all uploaded & approved! Regularly $1.89/minute (may vary by country), they are now only $0.99/minute (ditto). This includes the previously announced Faggot Beratement and Ca$hfag Ca$tigation as well as Muscle Growth Roleplay and … Continue Reading ››


It was a year ago that I celebrated my first holiday doing hypnosis and financial domination as my primary sources of income, and launched my second official hypnosis site. In honor of that, I've discounted prices across all the sites including the hypnosis here, at jockmesmerizer.com and at pigmesmerizer.com. It's … Continue Reading ››

Travels Coming Up #FinancialDomination #Tribute #Cashslave

Hello Cashslaves... the holidays will be here before we know it. Two things that can help me out there... Amazon gift cards for me to do some shopping for the family (and actually, I've been in the mood to go on a shopping spree - though perhaps somebody else would like to assist me … Continue Reading ››