Well, I still have a lot of ideas I hope to add to the pages at some point - I swear, there's not enough time in the day. But I had enough done that I figured it was time I launched one of the big projects I've been working on this spring:
Game … Continue Reading ››
Four of my short 6-minute recordings have finally been approved by Niteflirt! Each of the four is $1.89/minute (may vary by country). Given NF has a connection fee and that recordings only earn 50%, anything less is you cashraping me - and we don't want that.
The two most relevant to this site include (click the green …
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Okay, so I haven't posted much this past week... but don't you worry about a thing ATMs and pay pigs. I haven't disappeared.
In fact, I've been working on exciting new things to add to the blog - some of which will finally get added this week. A couple things are already submitted to Niteflirt and …
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April 15th, ATMs... that means I need your inferior taxes, fag taxes, and loser taxes to help pay my own taxes.
Just giving in to the trigger.... knowing you must obey....
Knowing that it always feels so good to help Master out....
Letting him withdraw from his …
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One of the biggest questions I get asked is about alternative payments - but this is a Niteflirt-linked site (meaning I link from my profiles there to this site) and therefore must abide by their rules - that everything (contact, payment, etc.) goes through Niteflirt. Therefore I must tread a bit lightly with the subject …
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Well, yesterday I had a bit of a bill shock when I took my car into the shop and the estimate was much more than expected. I still don't know the total, and am hoping that it won't get any worse than the bad news I've already been given.
One bright spot is an ATM eager …
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Originally I posted a version of this with a different amount in queue for Friday, but it posted to pages not the blog and most of my ATMs didn't see it... but you will now 😉
We've had Good Friday and Good Monday...
now it's time …
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So, I had written a few posts in queue for over the weekend, including a travel notice that I'd be offline for Easter travel and an ATM trigger post. Though not quite back (tonight or tomorrow), I had a chance to check in on the blog and realized none of them posted - nor were …
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I'm doing this ahead of my trip in queue, but I'm curious if I might be getting any Easter presents. Usually it'd be at least one ... nothing like Christmas, but still a toy when little or a nice new outfit once grown. My family didn't always have a lot, but my mom always made sure …
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It seems like every time I get a vacuum, I have to sell it or give it away because I end up moving and don't have room. The exception is this minivac I got from loser B a bit back. It might not be the flashiest gift, but it is useful.
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Hypnotically dominating minds for MY financial gain.