Tag Archives: payfag
#CashMaster Milks #CashCow for $500 – #Cashslavery #CashFaggotry #FinDom #FinancialDomination
That's right - it was a good night for the Financial Domination Stud. And while the total might have been slightly lower for Me after some of the site fees, it was still at least $400 … and man did I love feeding My greed along the way!
It actually started with some small tributes on … Continue Reading ››
A Tale of Two #CashFags – #CashSlavery #CashFaggotry #FinDom #FinancialDomination
This week, a cashfag hit Me up begging for my time. We had some interactions before - he started off promising with some file purchases, which he really responded to in terms of wanting to submit to Me. But apparently he didn't have the best financial situation. At first I answered his questions, but it … Continue Reading ››
More $essions for #CashMaster – #CashSlave #CashFag #PayPig #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Well, I was going to try to do individual posts each day, but I'm still busy with a lot of the file editing... so a belated catch-up it is.
First, CashFagDirt returned to Me to be further brainwashed by my hypnotic programming and to be further put in his place. It'd been a couple months with … Continue Reading ››
Milking the #CashFag More – #CashSlave #PayPig #CashRape #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Friday night, the cashfag was back... craving more. Any time his dick gets aroused now, it leads back to Me.... conditioning him more and more to respond in the ways he has wanted deep down. You see, he has wanted ruin.... destruction.... to fuck it all up. And I've been happy to help him along … Continue Reading ››
Dumb #Cashfag Returns for Another #Mindfuck Draining – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
" Haven't you ever read, never tell your right hand what your left hand is doing? Why would you publish this shit?" Or so a cashfag, that I hadn't yet blogged about at the time, wrote Me on Wednesday following the last time I posted about draining the dumb cashfag who was ready for some ruin. … Continue Reading ››
Good #Cashfags Pay #CashMaster Green – #CashSlave #PayPig #FinDom #HumanATM #FinancialDomination
Earlier this week I commented on different kinds of financial subs and turn-ons, from drones to poppers fags to wor$hippers… following a post in which about a dumb loser into degradation and ruin. There's one other kind I didn't touch on, that perhaps we'll call the good cashfag.
This is the kind that might crave humiliation … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster Rakes in Gifts for Xmas – #CashSlaves #PayPigs #HumanATMs #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Those that have seen My posts know I always want a lot of things …. and while I always want more, thankfully some of you have come through to provide presents for your Superior.
Since I'm blocking the view a bit there, here's another photo of the presents … Continue Reading ››

It's been far too long, but what better time than My birthday week
To remind you that you have no choice due to that will that is weak
Weak to resist My Power, My command - weak to resist your inner desires
Those urges just so strong … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster B-Day Means #PayPigs #CashFags #CashSlaves #PaySlaves #HumanATMs Send #Tributes & Gifts
My birthday is now less than a week away - next Tuesday, July 24th! And though I haven't been actively blogging, I have been actively working on new files, site updates, and more - and a Superior like Me should be rewarded for all I'm preparing for you. So what to get Me?
One thing I'm … Continue Reading ››
Hot #CashRape Session with #MoneySlave Turns #CashMaster On – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Have had some good chats with andiloser lately. Friday, that including nearly $100 in tributes - he paid just a bit more than this.
Well, today, after listening to more of my financial domination hypnosis, he was back for more, and it was even better … Continue Reading ››

#CashFag Fantasy: Paying All for #CashMaster as a Live-In #CashSlave – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Recently an inferior posted on Twitter, "My dream is to fall in love with someone that only wants to use me for my money." I bounced off that with how I had fantasies of a guy - or guys - paying for everything as a non-sexual roommate, and multiple faggots liked it. It seems more … Continue Reading ››