So, I had written a few posts in queue for over the weekend, including a travel notice that I'd be offline for Easter travel and an ATM trigger post. Though not quite back (tonight or tomorrow), I had a chance to check in on the blog and realized none of them posted - nor were … Continue Reading ››
I'm doing this ahead of my trip in queue, but I'm curious if I might be getting any Easter presents. Usually it'd be at least one ... nothing like Christmas, but still a toy when little or a nice new outfit once grown. My family didn't always have a lot, but my mom always made sure … Continue Reading ››
Now, those cash tributes go to a variety of things - bills, food, taxes, savings, social life fun... but the gift cards are of course designated for shopping. I could of course also save gift cards and let them pile up, since the ones I get most commonly don't expire... yet, I always find myself … Continue Reading ››
Even though it's only been a few times... I bet it feels so good...
So good to have been accessed multiple times today....
And even though the amounts have been lower, I bet this one feels best...
Because the more you pay, the more pleasure you feel....
And … Continue Reading ››
I'm working on something that involves humiliation tasks. These are ones that should be easy enough for one to do on their own and also Niteflirt compliant (which rules out a lot such as with to-lets). I have over 20 compiled but would love to get a few more... what thoughts do some of you … Continue Reading ››
Feel the urge to pay me growing as you read that, my ATM
To just give in to that programming... programmed to be part machine
That compulsion to just give in to the trigger... and lose control
It feels so good... the pleasure of giving in... … Continue Reading ››
Here's some more I got a bit back from loser Barry but just never got around to posting.... easily a couple hundred dollar value worth haul.
Of course a big part of that was the gift card... which was great to get to buy family birthday presents as I have quite a few to buy for … Continue Reading ››
Was doing some text pay-to-views with a fag into poppers the other day. I'd be curious to hear about what some of you enjoy for this - I feel like I'm trying so hard sometimes to write stuff that gets you off while also molding you to my pleasure, that I end up being slow. … Continue Reading ››
That's right my ATMS.... it feels so good for you to just let go....
not caring about anything else in this moment then just paying me....
Knowing that it's okay if you prefer not to comment...
Knowing it's okay if you'd like to write me for more personal interaction...
Knowing it's okay if you prefer to just keep … Continue Reading ››
Now that I'm getting back to the blog more regularly, it's time to update with some gifts that cashslaves have bought me, or that I've bought using gift cards sent to me. The following came from my bud Damian who doesn't get to tribute as much as he'd like due to a boyfriend, but I … Continue Reading ››
At least not yet.
A while back, I had some files for online slave, online sub, and worship of a more general nature. But I wasn't always sure who was listening, and I didn't exactly have time for everyone that was listening. On top of that, I've never been one that's gotten off on giving orders … Continue Reading ››
The other day, I received a message from a sub buddy of mine, that enjoys serving his dominant boyfriend but also enjoys my hypnosis and occasionally serving me financially. He asked, "Is it time to tribute?"
Subs, slaves, fags... it is ALWAYS time to tribute.
If you have just been paid, it is time to tribute.
If you find … Continue Reading ››