Tag Archives: small penis

Making a #Fag a #SmallCockLoser #CashFag – #FinancialDomination

The other week (a reminder this post was queued up as I am traveling and unavailable until sometime this weekend), I was having some nice chats with a faggot that has enjoyed calling me from time to time, as well as listening to a few of my files. Usually we never did hypnosis, but just … Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster Josh’s Rave Reviews – #FinancialDomination

I updated the Raves page before I left. Here are some of the new additions, culled from Niteflirt feedback: "WOW if you want hypnosis contact him." "Never ever has someone taken me so deep." "Amazing man with a great voice that gets in deep." - stupidfaggit "I am overpowered by Master Josh's (Hypno Superior) hypno skill and glad … Continue Reading ››

#verbalabuse #financialdomination New Recordings for #smallcocklosers #stupid #faggots & more

CHECK OUT THE DETAILS ON THE RECORDINGS PAGE I've lowered the prices on all pay-per-call non-hypnosis recordings now that I have them all uploaded & approved! Regularly $1.89/minute (may vary by country), they are now only $0.99/minute (ditto). This includes the previously announced Faggot Beratement and Ca$hfag Ca$tigation as well as Muscle Growth Roleplay and … Continue Reading ››