Tag Archives: cash master
The #Erotic Act of #FinancialDomination #PayPigs
It's amazing how much erotic pleasure there is for subs - and sometimes Dom(mes) - in Financial Domination.
The CashMaster (or Mistress) can get off on abusing, dominating, controlling a pay pig... and the pay pig gets off on the same but as a sub or victim or sometimes even just a willing participant (or with … Continue Reading ››
Travels Coming Up #FinancialDomination #Tribute #Cashslave
Hello Cashslaves... the holidays will be here before we know it.
Two things that can help me out there... Amazon gift cards for me to do some shopping for the family (and actually, I've been in the mood to go on a shopping spree - though perhaps somebody else would like to assist me … Continue Reading ››