Tag Archives: text hypnosis

#ATM #CashSlave Adds to #Debt 4 #Cashmaster – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

On Wednesday, I posted about a session with an ATM of mine... here is most of that transcript in which he stroked into trance and allowed my words to program him. If you click read more, this contains both my hypnosis trigger and later the ATM trigger. It also encourages going into debt. You've been … Continue Reading ››

Back & Running #FinancialDomination #Cashmaster #Hypnosis #Niteflirt

Internet and cable back up, so nice to be able to properly monitor Niteflirt on the laptop and be doing se$$ions again. Here's a brief little text session - warning, trigger below followed by suggestion to tribute... Still want to read on?   Okay then...   It feels so good to relax even as you read these words Relaxing more when I … Continue Reading ››