Tag Archives: hypnosis

#ATMs Pay $30 Now – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

Your head starts to feel fuzzy, wanting to resist but you cannot. You simply feel the machine taking over. The more you listen to the file, the stronger the command gets. You cannot fight it. It takes over and compels you into action. You must complete the transaction. NO CHOICE. MUST OBEY. ATMS PAY $30NOW. “Yes, … Continue Reading ››

Remember #CashSlaves & #PayPigs: Tax Refunds Go to #CashMaster – #FinDom #Hypnosis

#ATMS PAY $55 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

My Automated Teller Machines, as I start the process of unpacking and seeing what I need, I am hitting you up to help pay for those things. ATMS PAY $55 NOW! You respond so automatically, so obediently, so instantly. You have no choice. The trigger takes over. You are being programmed every time you listen to my … Continue Reading ››

#CashSlave Testimonials for My #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis & #FinDom Recordings – Rave Reviews

Catching up on some more feedback and testimonials... don't forget cashmaster loves your positive feedback. If you wish to send in other feedback, or wish to leave some anonymously, you can contact me privately. The below is taken directly from Niteflirt and is already publicly viewable on there: From Live Listings & Main Profile: "Excellent call … Continue Reading ››

#PaySlave for #CashMaster #FinDomGIF – #FinDom #CashSlave #PayPig #FinancialDomination


Addicted #FinDom #Cashslaves & #CashFags Into #FinancialRuin Please #CashMaster with #Tributes

I had a phone call tonight from an addicted cashslave. I've posted about him before, but I must admit I was a little disappointed in the amounts tonight. Tributes 01072016 small But that was just the warm up post-holidays, and soon he was craving me so … Continue Reading ››

2016 Resolutions for #HumanATMs #PayPigs #CashSlaves #Pigs #Slaves #FinDom #FinancialDomination

This is another repost from the year before  - with slight edits for years/etc. and a couple small additions - but still great ideas (of course they're great ideas; they were Mine). FOR ALL OF YOU: 1) Tribute more to your CashMasters & CashGods - you can start here 2) Buy more gifts for your CashMasters … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: Communicating with #Cashslaves & #PayPigs Better – #findom #financialdomination

Between my lack of voice and holiday travels, I haven't actually had a chance to test out the quality of this new headset. I actually had a different, cheaper headset on My wishlist ... but shawnsgslave was definitely up for getting me a better one, despite the higher cost.
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#ATMS PAY $10 NOW – #humanATM #cashslave #financialdomination

HumanATMS ... some of you come and go. Those that have been most consistent, don't always respond to this file/trigger but instead do individual sessions with me via text or voice, programming them further and deeper. I welcome your ideas to make being my ATM more exciting, and encourage those interested to listen to the … Continue Reading ››

Getting Off on #Obedience – #hypno for #financialdomination

The amount to control someone is always a tough area for Me, because I'm lazy. I want to get the most amount of money out of you with the least amount of work. And the work that I do, is going to be the work that I want to do ... like making new hypnosis … Continue Reading ››

#HumanATMs #CashFags Earn Badges, #PoppersFag #CashRape – #findom #financialdomination

One of my longest serving ATMs has recently crossed the $1000 mark for profits earned for Master Josh. Though others crossed that mark sooner, the consistent loyalty of PierreSlave is always appreciated. He  gets that even sending $20 here and there, as one can, is capable of giving us both great pleasure, and more subs should follow … Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster Loves When #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMS Addicted

Tuesday even, I got a call from a sub who has a boyfriend... he told me how he couldn't wait until his boyfriend left so that he could call Me. Our calls are often short and the amounts vary, but this past time was a quick $60 plus the call for Me. I loved getting … Continue Reading ››