Tag Archives: gift card
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Loves Gift Cards from #CashSlaves – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Master has been way too busy and could use some slaves around here to clean for him, provide for him, and more! Any good looking subs want to apply? 😉
In the meantime, if I ever find the time, at least I won't have to pay for a nice night out with a friend. $50 to … Continue Reading ››
Shop for #CashMaster – #PayPigs #CashFags #CashSlaves #HumanATM #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Today is a day known for shopping - a day that's been extended through the weekend. Some say it's a gimmick, for one can find better deals on items elsewhere throughout the year. Maybe it is, but there's still some good deals this time of year - making it a great time to check out … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #MoneySlaves & #PayPigs Keep #CashMaster Binge-Ready – #FinancialDomination
Who doesn't enjoy a good binge on a television show now and then? And it's especially true that a Superior like Me should get this luxury, even if you sacrifice your binges to go work harder on My behalf. After all, an inferior like you shouldn't waste all his time on things like TV, video … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster ‘Steaks’ His Claim on #CashFag #CashSlave – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Thanks to rubbercashslave, I've been able to buy myself a lot of things I've wanted or needed this past year as he just keeps sending Me Amazon gift card after Amazon gift card... and he's going to keep sending Me those too, for I have power & influence over his mind now. He's mine, and … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster BDay Sun! #CashSlaves #CashFags #PayPigs #HumanATMs Buy #MoneyMaster Gifts – #FinDom
In case you forgot, My birthday is coming up this Sunday - July 24th. Below are some ideas for what you can get Me ...
Before I get to that, TAXES ARE DUE if you have chosen to listen to the twice a month versions. $25 or $100 depending on which version you've chosen. If you … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Uses #CashFag to Get More Credit – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
Before I got sick, I had a nice little session with CashFagDirt - who ended up paying for a membership for Myself on Recon and bought Me a few other things I needed or wanted. He previously also bought Me the below shirt I'm wearing.

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#Wishlist Wed: More Shopping for #CashMaster Thanks to #CashFags #MoneySlaves & #PayPigs – #FinDom
Two weeks ago, I posted about some K-Mart gift cards I received, but that wasn't My only shopping excursion lately - I also received these Old Navy gift cards from CashFagDirt... and these ones weren't even part of our recent session, but earlier this year that I just finally got around to using. And after I … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashFags Let #CashMaster Go Shopping – #PayPig #FinDom #FinancialDomination
One of my favorite items to receive, short of cash, is a gift card, because I love the flexibility of being able to get what *I* want. And what I want should be paramount over any of your wants or needs. That's why I loved receiving these gift cards from subs like CashFagDirt and LoserB. … Continue Reading ››
New & Updated #FinDom Games – Shopping for #CashMaster Josh
Well, pay pigs and cashslaves, I've updated My three shopping games (no one item repeats within a game now) and added a NEW fourth game as well.
$HOPPING $PREE - Now features all physical items from my wishlist (no gift cards), all under $100.
GIFT CARD GRAB - Now has more options and … Continue Reading ››
Another #CashSlave Under My #Hypnotic Power – #MoneySlave #FinDom #FinancialDomination
A while back, RubberCashSlave wrote Me ... and nothing really happened. It happens. Sometimes subs don't want to spend cash until they have worked with someone, but knowing that I am not for everyone, I point people to my free files and then say "prove you're worth my time." And if you show multiple times … Continue Reading ››
Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster Wants His Shows, #CashSlaves & #PayPigs Pay For Them – #findom
Last week, I mentioned a great example of using your gift cards on what I want would be highlighted this week. Well, here it is. Since moving this past winter, I haven't had cable. That might change when I finally get to my own place (either late this year or early next year depending on … Continue Reading ››