Tag Archives: domination
Addicted #FinDom #Cashslaves & #CashFags Into #FinancialRuin Please #CashMaster with #Tributes
I had a phone call tonight from an addicted cashslave. I've posted about him before, but I must admit I was a little disappointed in the amounts tonight.
But that was just the warm up post-holidays, and soon he was craving me so … Continue Reading ››

Wishlist Wed: On #CashMaster ‘s Xmas List for #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMs #CashFags to Buy NOW
Sometimes us CashMasters and FinDoms get busy with real life. For Me, it's quite a whammy of a month that was already busy due to holidays. Traveling for a funeral combined with unexpectedly apartment searching again (as my waiting list fell through), has left Me with less time online taking calls. I mean, I haven't … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Ready to Move with #CashSlave Help – #findom #financialdomination
Okay, so I'm not moving quite yet ... in fact, the place I had decided on isn't having the openings they thought they would, so I am considering other options which may or may not include a roommate, but hopefully includes a decent amount of privacy to still have hot sessions and make hypnotically dominating … Continue Reading ››
#HumanATMs #CashFags Earn Badges, #PoppersFag #CashRape – #findom #financialdomination
One of my longest serving ATMs has recently crossed the $1000 mark for profits earned for Master Josh. Though others crossed that mark sooner, the consistent loyalty of PierreSlave is always appreciated. He gets that even sending $20 here and there, as one can, is capable of giving us both great pleasure, and more subs should follow … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster Loves When #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMS Addicted
Tuesday even, I got a call from a sub who has a boyfriend... he told me how he couldn't wait until his boyfriend left so that he could call Me. Our calls are often short and the amounts vary, but this past time was a quick $60 plus the call for Me. I loved getting … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed – #CashMaster Takes Advantage of #paypigs #cashfags for Muscle #Advantage – #findom
I love taking advantage of you as I provide myself with all advantages possible to get bigger, faster.
That includes supplements to help my progress, Suma and ZMA. If you're not familiar with them, you can google the benefits. It's hard to tell for sure if they're helping when I'm doing multiple changes at once, but … Continue Reading ››
Big $1000 #Tribute 4 #CashMaster plus $500 Gifts – #Cashslave #PayPig #FinDom #FinancialDomination
#Wishlist Wed. – #domesticservice for #slaves – #financialdomination
This is one of those old items I just never got around to posting. It comes from Loser Shawn - the biggest faggot I've ever met.
It's not the most exciting of gifts, but it is practical, allowing for quick clean-up of spills etc. when you don't feel like getting out a full vacuum (which, I actually … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed. – #Moneymaster Muscle in Making – #financialdomination
Well, I'm back from My trip (assuming all has gone as planned as I'm writing this ahead in queue), and it's time your CashMaster got focused on building more muscle.
Thankfully, you've all been providing Me with plenty of arsenal for my goals. I've posted before about adjustable dumbbells, whey & casein protein powders, a push-up … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster Glad To Be Back #Dominating #CashSlaves – #FinDom #CashFag #FinancialDomination
Just made some cash via a Niteflirt phone call and some hypnotic cashdraining and walletrape - all the better to help recover from the hotels and other travel costs incurred. Of course, your fagcash was used on the down payment of my new lease I just got as well 😉 After a week of fun … Continue Reading ››
#CashMaster Has An Offer for #PayPigs #CashSlaves & #HumanATMS – #FinDom #FinancialDomination
I've been a bit distracted lately. Between searching for apartments, prepping my car for a lease trade-in, and planning some travels (head's up - I'll be largely unavailable Oct. 2nd thru 11th as I visit family and friends), I've found it hard to get in the writing zone for this blog. Which spurred on the … Continue Reading ››