Tag Archives: addiction

Addicted #FinDom #Cashslaves & #CashFags Into #FinancialRuin Please #CashMaster with #Tributes

I had a phone call tonight from an addicted cashslave. I've posted about him before, but I must admit I was a little disappointed in the amounts tonight. Tributes 01072016 small But that was just the warm up post-holidays, and soon he was craving me so … Continue Reading ››

#CashMaster Loves When #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMS Addicted

Tuesday even, I got a call from a sub who has a boyfriend... he told me how he couldn't wait until his boyfriend left so that he could call Me. Our calls are often short and the amounts vary, but this past time was a quick $60 plus the call for Me. I loved getting … Continue Reading ››