Tag Archives: resolution

#CashMaster 2016 Resolutions: Muscle * #CashRapes * #Moneyslaves * #FinDom #FinancialDomation

Last year, I mentioned all my resolutions - only to immediately be sidetracked by a case of identity fraud resulting in an unexpected move. This time I have an expected move that will be delaying some of these goals, but I'm looking forward to getting settled by end of January and back to a normal … Continue Reading ››

New Year’s Resolutions #FinancialFetish #FinDom #Cashgod #Muscle

Due to my family's late holiday celebrations, I'll be a week or so late in getting started on these... but I know what I want to focus on when I get back. 1) CASH - I want this to be my most profitable year ever, and that includes from when I had a full-time job. 2) Improving … Continue Reading ››