Well cash fags, money slaves, pay pigs, humanATMs and others ... how was your year? Did you get off enough on getting to give to those that are Superior? Did you allow your life to become hard enough that you were sufficiently making Our lives easier?
Personally, it was a great year, mainly due to the … Continue Reading ››
I had several small things bought for Me for the holidays. While not as exciting as the big things, it's always awesome when I don't have to spend My own cash because you all are buying Me everything I want or need.
The fag from last night has struck again - this time with even less chat, although, like all pervy fags, he loved seeing me post about the tribute he had sent. And like all good fags, he knew he needed to send MORE, for it's simply right to send more to one's Superior. Fags don't … Continue Reading ››
Other than doing a bit of chatting, I didn't have to work hard for the $100 I just got. Didn't have to do any hypnosis or other work. All I had to do was be My Superior self, and the cashfag knew it would be right to send Me $100.
The only thing better than that? … Continue Reading ››
It doesn't matter how much you've just spent on presents.
It doesn't matter that the banks are closed today.
All that matters is that you are my ATM.
And I am hitting you up to make my Christmas merry & bright.
ATMS PAY $80 NOW. ATMS PAY $80 … Continue Reading ››
I posted this last year, but just like the networks show Rudolph, Frosty, the Grinch, et al each year, I figured I could bring back this holiday not-so-classic. 😉
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a louse
The dogslaves were nestled all snug in their cages,
While the cashfags … Continue Reading ››
One of the items I decided to put on my wishlist now that I'm back in the Midwest, was a big old snow brush and scraper.
Of course, this winter has ended up incredibly mild, so I shouldn't be needing it as I head off for the … Continue Reading ››
Like many others, I saw the new Star Wars flick this weekend, and it was lots of fun. Overly convenient and leaving lots to the future films to explain, but enjoyable. And as much as I want to think I'd be good... when I think of how I'm making my cash by putting losers in their … Continue Reading ››
Today is Humbug day, and that is so how I feel. The stress of apartment searching on top of a grueling month between the holidays and a funeral... I did enjoy getting to spend time with friends this weekend and saw the latest Star Wars of course. Despite a good weekend, I just haven't felt … Continue Reading ››
Sometimes us CashMasters and FinDoms get busy with real life. For Me, it's quite a whammy of a month that was already busy due to holidays. Traveling for a funeral combined with unexpectedly apartment searching again (as my waiting list fell through), has left Me with less time online taking calls. I mean, I haven't … Continue Reading ››
Today is Human Rights Day - a concept that in general I support. Although I'll certainly play into some of these fantasies, at my core, I do not believe any human is more or less deserving of general equality. That said ... not all of you are human. You are subhuman. Though some of you … Continue Reading ››
Okay, so I'm not moving quite yet ... in fact, the place I had decided on isn't having the openings they thought they would, so I am considering other options which may or may not include a roommate, but hopefully includes a decent amount of privacy to still have hot sessions and make hypnotically dominating … Continue Reading ››