Tag Archives: tribute
Addicted #FinDom #Cashslaves & #CashFags Into #FinancialRuin Please #CashMaster with #Tributes
I had a phone call tonight from an addicted cashslave. I've posted about him before, but I must admit I was a little disappointed in the amounts tonight.
But that was just the warm up post-holidays, and soon he was craving me so … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: Useful Gifts for #CashMaster ‘s Holiday, Want More from #CashSlaves & #Paypigs
I had several small things bought for Me for the holidays. While not as exciting as the big things, it's always awesome when I don't have to spend My own cash because you all are buying Me everything I want or need.
That includes an … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashSlaves Make Sure #CashMaster Ready for (what?) Winter – #FinancialDomination
One of the items I decided to put on my wishlist now that I'm back in the Midwest, was a big old snow brush and scraper.
Of course, this winter has ended up incredibly mild, so I shouldn't be needing it as I head off for the … Continue Reading ››

Wishlist Wed: On #CashMaster ‘s Xmas List for #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMs #CashFags to Buy NOW
Sometimes us CashMasters and FinDoms get busy with real life. For Me, it's quite a whammy of a month that was already busy due to holidays. Traveling for a funeral combined with unexpectedly apartment searching again (as my waiting list fell through), has left Me with less time online taking calls. I mean, I haven't … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Ready to Move with #CashSlave Help – #findom #financialdomination
Okay, so I'm not moving quite yet ... in fact, the place I had decided on isn't having the openings they thought they would, so I am considering other options which may or may not include a roommate, but hopefully includes a decent amount of privacy to still have hot sessions and make hypnotically dominating … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Always Chooses For #CashSlaves to Pay More
When I had my session with shawnsgslave a few weeks ago, he asked if I'd rather be given the Vintage Burn from my wishlist or the Vintage Build. The Build was $10 more, so of course that is what I suggested - if given a choice, I always prefer for you all to pay more.
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#ATMS PAY $45 NOW – #humanATM #cashslave #tribute #cashmaster #findom #financialdomination
ATMS, you have been programmed deep down to respond to the trigger to
PAY the amount requested by CashMaster Josh. It's time to dispense that
$45 from your account to mine, as you help me recover from holiday shopping. Do it,
NOW! and feel so fulfilled in … Continue Reading ››
Thanksgiving: #CashMaster Wants to Gobble Up #Cashfag Funds
Gobble, gobble, it's Turkey day in the U.S. Otherwise known as Thanksgiving. But it's that gobble gobble that often consumes us. We should be giving thanks, but we gobble down the food... gobble down the football games on TV ... gobble down the shopping that is now spreading from Black Friday into the holiday. Right … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed: Communicating with #Cashslaves & #PayPigs Better – #findom #financialdomination
Between my lack of voice and holiday travels, I haven't actually had a chance to test out the quality of this new headset. I actually had a different, cheaper headset on My wishlist ... but shawnsgslave was definitely up for getting me a better one, despite the higher cost.
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#ATMS PAY $10 NOW – #humanATM #cashslave #financialdomination
HumanATMS ... some of you come and go. Those that have been most consistent, don't always respond to this file/trigger but instead do individual sessions with me via text or voice, programming them further and deeper. I welcome your ideas to make being my ATM more exciting, and encourage those interested to listen to the … Continue Reading ››
#Wishlist Wed.: #CashSlave Helping #CashMaster Get Fit – #Findom
ShawnSGSlave - who recently earned a Gift Card Warrior badge - also started on his way to earning a Gift Giver badge by sending me the first 3 of 5 gifts needed. The first product? Another DVD set for me to try - and so far I'm enjoying this one. Body Beast is still my … Continue Reading ››