Tag Archives: humanATMs


CashMaster Josh has had quite a few gifts taken off his wishlist this past week, including today, for his birthday ... and I will sure be detailing those soon. But one thing I would love more of is MY favorite gift.... CASH. That's why I am calling on my ATMs for a nice birthday treat... … Continue Reading ››


Travel Notice: Master Josh will be traveling and mostly unavailable from now until the weekend of July 9th. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. The holiday weekend is upon us in the U.S., and Master Josh is traveling... It is your duty, your honor to dispense your cash to Me.... Helping Me fuel … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $50 NOW – #humanATM #moneyslave #moneymaster #findom #financialdomination

ATMS PAY $50 NOW. ATMS PAY $50 NOW. ATMS PAY $50 NOW. You are a humanATM. Part person, part machine. Conditioned for pleasure. Programmed to obey, and pay. No matter how long it's been, it's always so easy to give in. That programming is there, deeply rooted in your subconscious. ATMS PAY $50 NOW. ATMS PAY $50 NOW. ATMS PAY $50 … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $10 NOW – #humanATM #cashslave #cashmaster #findom #financialdomination

ATMS PAY $10 NOW ... It's such a small amount... there's no excuse to not pay it.... You probably wish to be used even more.... Don't worry... you will be. You'll be used time and time again. Yet even these small amounts FEEL SO GOOD For deep down... you need to give to your Superior Any amount, any time it is … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW – #cashslave #humanATM #paypig #hypno #findom #financialdomination

ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. The words beckon you ... no matter how faint or strong.... Simply stirring your soul... your subconscious.... your COCK..... You want to give in again.... that deep need to please a SUPERIOR ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. ATMS TRIBUTE $35 NOW. Before you know it, … Continue Reading ››

#ATMs Pay $30 Now – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

Your head starts to feel fuzzy, wanting to resist but you cannot. You simply feel the machine taking over. The more you listen to the file, the stronger the command gets. You cannot fight it. It takes over and compels you into action. You must complete the transaction. NO CHOICE. MUST OBEY. ATMS PAY $30NOW. “Yes, … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $55 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

My Automated Teller Machines, as I start the process of unpacking and seeing what I need, I am hitting you up to help pay for those things. ATMS PAY $55 NOW! You respond so automatically, so obediently, so instantly. You have no choice. The trigger takes over. You are being programmed every time you listen to my … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $15 NOW – #CashSlave #FinDom #FinancialDomination

ATMS PAY $15 NOW. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. Giving in to my programming always feels so good... No matter how long it's been since you listened... your subconscious remembers.... For deep down, you have desired to serve as a humanATM... And that desire makes it so easy to just let go and obey. ATMS PAY $15 NOW. ATMS … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $20 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #MoneyMaster #FinDom #PayPig #FinancialDomination

There is a need deep inside of so many of you A need that exists deep down inside your subconscious To serve a Superior man - a God worthy of your cash. There is a want deep inside of so many of you A want that turns into a craving to be used by that God A God you know … Continue Reading ››

2016 Resolutions for #HumanATMs #PayPigs #CashSlaves #Pigs #Slaves #FinDom #FinancialDomination

This is another repost from the year before  - with slight edits for years/etc. and a couple small additions - but still great ideas (of course they're great ideas; they were Mine). FOR ALL OF YOU: 1) Tribute more to your CashMasters & CashGods - you can start here 2) Buy more gifts for your CashMasters … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $70 NOW = #humanATM #cashmaster #cashslave #paypig #findom #financialdomination

ATMS PAY $70 NOW. ATMS PAY $70 NOW. ATMS PAY $70 NOW. Master Josh is traveling this week and needs his ATMs to help... Helping with the fuel... helping with the hotels... Helping because Master won't be able to do many sessions... And it feels so good for you to fulfill your destiny. ATMS PAY $70 NOW. ATMS PAY $70 … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS Pay $20 Now – #humanATM #cashslave #financialdomination

ATMS PAY $20 NOW.  ATMS PAY $20 NOW.  ATMS PAY $20 NOW. Master Josh is headed out tonight for a little bit. Master Josh would love for his ATMs to pay his bar tab. Master Josh is accessing all HumanATMs now. ATMS PAY $20 NOW.  ATMS PAY $20 NOW.  ATMS PAY $20 NOW. Giving in to the programming. The conditioning … Continue Reading ››