Catching Up with a #Hypno #CashSlave – #FinancialDomination

From a recent chat with a recurring cashslave that has listened to many of my files… this is the pleasure and enjoyment my hypno cashslaves get from serving me!

cashslave: talking about commitment… reading all those dollar $ign$ in Your messages reminding me…
HypnoSuperior: Ye$ — it ha$ been a while 😉 Bet it’d feel good to $end $ome ca$h thi$ way
cashslave: …been trying to keep a distance, but theres just missing… incomplete…
HypnoSuperior: feel$ good to be drawn back in… remembering what you need… how good it i$ to go down that path you were de$tined for… how amazing it feel$ to help $upport and tribute Ma$ter Jo$h
cashslave: yeah, nice and warm feeling… needing to log in…
HypnoSuperior:  feeling $o good to $end .. that nice warm feeling growing more inten$e…. wa$hing over you more and more each time you give
cashslave:  yeeeah, $ent
HypnoSuperior: good $lave… feel$ good I am $ure… keep enjoying it… my voice molding you… taking you where you belong…. a$ you $erve and obey…. and give to a true $uperior
cashslave:  oh fuck, ive ‘been missing this a lot
HypnoSuperior: glad you have remembered that 🙂 hopefully you won’t forget again … ju$t remembering how good it all feel$… able to $low down here and there a$ needed for budget… and yet… alway$ coming back… craving that domination…. to give to Ma$ter Jo$h
cashslave:  cravin for more, so in need to serve
been waitin for too long
HypnoSuperior: definitely can $erve any chance you get 😉 you know I alway$ welcome it… very glad we got to reconnect
cashslave: oh yeeeah, feeling that connection, needing to recharge, still logged in for Ma$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior: $uch a ru$h wa$hing over you – recharge away … if you’d like, you can $end to the other e-mail addre$$ a$ well … it doe$n’t really matter… all that matter$ i$ that amazing feeling of wor$hipping and $erving a $uperior… feeling that recharge building $tronger
cashslave: so many ways to wor$hip, so much to make up for, needing to pay You more ca$h
HypnoSuperior: good $lave… feel$ $o good… feel$ $o right… the more you give, the more plea$ure you feel… the more plea$ure you feel, the more you give…. for MY plea$ure i$ your plea$ure… getting paid by you plea$e$ me mo$t… meaning paying me plea$e$ you mo$t…$o good to Bow Down to the Hypno $uperior
cashslave: $ent … thank You Ma$ter Jo$h! bowing to my Hypno $uperior
HypnoSuperior: you are welcome… enjoy that plea$ure of $erving… I know you will… $uch a good feeling to $ubmit and tribute
cashslave: feeling so good and $ecure to put that ca$h into Your hands, handing it over bit by bit, chunk by chunk, knowing You can spend it so much better than me, feeling that ru$h
HypnoSuperior: exactly… $acrificing for my benefit… knowing I can $pend it better… knowing I de$erve to live in comfort and luxury…. that ca$h now in my hand$ and it feel$ $o good and $o very right
cashslave: oh fuck yeah, looking up as You count those dollar note$ of ca$h, feeling all hard, that ru$h, that adrenaline, that plea$ure, that need, that $ervitude … needing to wor$hip Ma$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior:  just needing to give more and more …. remembering that the more you give, the more plea$ure you feel… the more I get, the more plea$ure I feel… my plea$ure i$ your plea$ure… $o you are plea$ed to give me more and more…. $acrificing for your God… $erving your online Ca$hMa$ter… Wor$hipping your $uperior – a $uperior that de$erve$ it all… even a$ you are left with le$$ … $ending more to … or an amazon gift card if you wi$h to $hake it up… just feeling $o amazing to tribute… the more I drain… the more right you feel
cashslave: fucking $ent
HypnoSuperior: that’$ right $lave… that plea$ure building a$ you get led down that road more and more… making up for lo$t time… knowing that extra money i$ better off in my hand$ … $o good and right to $erve your $uperior, Ma$ter Jo$h…
cashslave: fuck You de$erve it all … thanking You for providing $o much plea$ure, Ca$hMa$ter Jo$h
HypnoSuperior: that’$ right… I do… $imply for the way I’ve been able to get in your head time and time again… molding that $ubmi$$ion… molding that inferior mind… proving I am $uperior… that I de$erve that ca$h… and you are welcome $lave
cashslave: $o fuckin awe$ome, thank$ for bringin me over the edge, $o fuckin hot .. You’re $uch a Pro! … fuck i cant tell how much i mi$$ed that, boy!
HypnoSuperior: enjoyed catching up definitely … glad to have brought you over the edge and glad to know you mi$$ed it… will be looking for more $oon 😉
cashslave: every $lave $hould have $uch a life coach … thank$ for taking Your time .. $o plea$ed here

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