I enjoy chatting with andiloser - he responded so well to My hypnosis about a year or so ago, and seemed on his way to becoming one of My top cashslaves. However, as is common in this scene, he did leave for a bit .... but I am so glad to have him back.
Not only …
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Well, I'm feeling better but my voice is still rather shot from this sickness that plagued Me this last week. However, I did finally get some files up for sale that I had previously recorded and finished editing this weekend. What took so long? Aside from delays for custom files, sessions, etc., it's because I …
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This is the last weekend to pay your taxes in the U.S..... are you having to pay in, or getting a refund?
Regardless of where you live, your answer is, YES, I am having to pay in to Master Josh. For even if you already have to pay in, you must be squeezed even further....
For any confused …
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Hypnotically dominating minds for MY financial gain.