Tag Archives: cashslave

#CashSlaves: Finding Right #Master (s) for #FinancialDomination & #Tribute plus #Free #Hypnosis

Perhaps you’re new to financial domination and wondering just how to go about it. If someone demands your money, do you give it to them? And if not, who do you give to?

The answer to that second one is of course ME, Master Josh … but in all seriousness, you give to those that you feel have earned your money and NOT to those that just demand it.

“But don’t you demand it at times?” I demand it as payment for my hypnosis or as part of the hypnosis experience, such as the ATM trigger. I don’t find a sub I’ve never worked with and say, “Hey, give me $100 NOW because you’re a loser and I’m a Master!”.  Young guys that think that is how things work are ridiculous and even if they fool a newbie or catch a horny guy at the right time, they aren’t going to make any repeat business doing that for subs – you guys – quickly learn. And I earn my tributes, and my positive five-star feedback (the recent four-star review is awaiting deletion as the sub intended it for another master – he describes an e-mail game that is not something I offer and wrote it on the wrong profile).

So does that mean you should give to me because I work for it? YES! No, seriously – only if I’m a match to what you seek. If you’re at all curious about hypnosis, I sure hope you will try some of my FREE files. But not everyone is going to be into hypnosis, or into my style of hypnosis. And that’s okay, because there are some masters skilled in other areas such as manipulation or computer hacking that might be a better fit for you. There could be a master with muscle he flexes on cam as part of his show of dominance. These are masters that have found their niche, just as I’ve found mine in hypnosis, and use it to their advantage. I’m not going to be everyone’s perfect dominant – but I do have hypnotic skills for those into hypnosis that helps give those that are able to let go and trust in my words a new sense of purpose. I love helping to give men that purpose of living – serving and tributing a God that provides them pleasure and/or puts them in their place through hypnosis.

It’s amazing how many people also have fake photos out there as well, so don’t be fooled just because a guy looks hot. Being hot alone is not a reason to give someone money, unless they use that hotness to effect with things like foot worship shows or muscle flexing. That someone has “Master” in their screenname or profile does not make them worthy of that money, for what have they mastered?  If they’ve mastered a skill as I have, or have experience being a true Master to slaves, then sure. But don’t be fooled newbies. Heck, I’m not going to reveal his Flirt name, but one of the most disgusting fags I’ve ever known tries to make some extra cash paying for the Doms he pays by being a flirt on Niteflirt. I admit not being as dominant as some, especially outside of hypnosis, and perhaps he’s good at the sex talk (I wouldn’t know as I don’t call other Flirts, I’m only in to financially dominating others). But when you tribute me or buy my files, at least your money is truly going to someone that deserves it and not just being used to fund another cashslut or moneypig. And with the files, you can find yourself enjoying my voice again and again.

So in sum – you money is best spent on 1) those who earn it, and 2) those that you respond to / share interests with. So if you do have an interest in hypnosis, hit me up. You can’t always see all the work I put in when so much is behind the scenes with writing, recording, editing, etc. and just maintaining the websites (all of which I’ve built myself), but I have definitely earned it. Review my hypnotic listings and scroll to the bottom to try my FREE hypnosis today.



#FinancialDomination Feedback Growing from #CashSlave #ATM s

A Niteflirt bud told me to start with my price lower on my live listings to build feedback, and that I would have to place a bid to move my listing at the top to start. I did consider both, but I didn’t want to do it right away because I had – and still have – tons of work to do on the sites, from plans for more hypnosis later this summer to captioning photos of fitdimwit types and more. I needed to get the files up for sale though, so I went ahead and created my listings and expected not many people to find them right away.

I was wrong. Even without yet giving my live listings a big push, many of you have already found me – and I know you are so happy you have. After all, a Superior like me deserves to be called, given tributes, and properly worshiped even as I put you down exactly where you belong.

To be fair, I did feature some of the recorded listings… but between long hypnotic sessions of programming slaves and getting guys off, combined with all the pleasure you get from my domination, that feedback score has quickly risen all while keeping a regular rate and not featuring my listing.

If you haven’t tried me out yet, I do have some free files on here so you can see what the fuss is all about… or call an erotic recording to jerk off to my Superior voice… or send me a message and let me know your custom fantasy and exactly what you need for ME to take control of that mind AND MONEY.