The other weekend, before I got sick, I had a nice session with Loser B that I still need to further detail sometime. The below gift, though, is actually from a previous session with him – after I had moved into the new place in January.
It’s not the first vacuum he’s bought Me either, but the last one didn’t survive the move from out west…. so when I moved into My own place, it was time for a new one. Of course I had to go with one that was good for allergies and convenient with being bagless.
Since I don’t have a hypnoboy to do My chores for Me though, I would soon realize though that there was an even more convenient option…. but that can wait until next week 😉
In the meantime, feel free to give Me my favorite gift of all – feel the pleasure as you hand Me over some of that nice green cash!

powerful hands, handsome face, perfect feet. totally Superior.