Sometimes it’s the glamorous gifts… and sometimes it’s using your gift card money for the small things I need or want. For example, printer ink as a need. And in the past, plenty of water enhancers as a want (I’ve since -mostly- kicked the habit as I try to eat and drink healthier). As I prepare to move to a new place (delayed after finding an apartment I like with a waiting list), there’ll be more of the needs added. Sure, they won’t all be glamorous… some will be things like cleaning supplies that I had at one point, but lost moving across the country twice. But isn’t it so much better when you moneyslaves and cashfags make sure that I don’t have to waste My money on such things, and can instead spend that cash I’ve drained from you… however I’d like? Because even if it’s a small thing I want – and another great example of this will come next week – it’s what I deserve. That luxury of getting what I want, when I want.

…. or feel the pleasure as you send the best gift of all, that nice green cash.
And although I won’t add some of the really big stuff until I move, wouldn’t you love to furnish my New place? I’ll need plenty of new furniture – bed, table, sofa. I don’t need you to buy it for Me … I can survive with or without you… but it’d be fucking hot if you did. Imagine, knowing that whenever Cashmaster Josh sat down to eat or watch TV, He was doing it on something you bought Him …. bought Me. If your dick is twitching at the thought, then you need to get past the fear of spending too much. My move coming up will be the perfect time to get out your credit cards.