Okay, so I’m not moving quite yet … in fact, the place I had decided on isn’t having the openings they thought they would, so I am considering other options which may or may not include a roommate, but hopefully includes a decent amount of privacy to still have hot sessions and make hypnotically dominating mp3s for you. Right now, a lot of My time is unfortunately taken elsewhere including that search, but the ideas continue to come to Me – and sometimes to you; just had a hot idea e-mailed to Me this afternoon and encourage you to do the same.
Whenever the time does come to move, it’s nice to know that I’ll be able to do so more easily thanks to this gift from MesmerizedSub. I actually had previously been given a cart by another sub when I lived in California, but it didn’t make the move with Me – and I love that again, I didn’t have to pay for it. Getting more and more items – even ones I might rarely use, but will find helpful at times like when I use this to help with moving – gets My cock nice and hard when they are paid for by losers like you, serving your Superior as you know is right. I can’t wait to have a home someday paid for and furnished by you fags.

Though I’ll leave the big stuff of my wishlist until I see where I end up and how much space I have (as well as having less to move when the time comes), there’s lots of other stuff you can get Me … or help Me with those deposits and other expenses by sending the best gift of all, cash.