#Fags Suck & So Does the Web

So, I had written a few posts in queue for over the weekend, including a travel notice that I’d be offline for Easter travel and an ATM trigger post. Though not quite back (tonight or tomorrow), I had a chance to check in on the blog and realized none of them posted – nor were any saved on drafts. Even though I’m not a physical Dom, preferring the molding of hypnosis, it’s times like this that I do wish I had an inferior fag to beat down. Good stuff coming soon, so keep tuned in – and hopefully there won’t be further issues (though I will have some more travels coming up in spring & summer – nice being back closer to family, but not always good for business… but I’ll be on when I can ATMs and moneyslaves).

2 thoughts on “#Fags Suck & So Does the Web”

  1. The posts titles are sitting at the top of the page just beneath your menu bar. When I click on them the full post appears.

    1. Damn – they posted as pages, not posts. That’s what happens when I try to rush ahead of a holiday. :/ At least I know they didn’t just disappear entirely, thanks.

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