Tag Archives: dominant

It’s Enough to Know I’m #Superior – #financialdomination

Originally I had a different, lighter post… that I was more excited about.. planned for tonight. I’m going to put that in queue for tomorrow, for another vent.

I’m one of the few Doms that puts his real self out there. Even those times where it’s not quite the real me, such as my pay-per-call recordings, I put disclaimers so you all know what to expect with me. I provide free files so you have an idea. I use my real pictures, and even though I’m not a cam Master, I am not afraid to show myself to you to prove I am me. This is all stuff I’ve said before… recently, in fact. But some people just don’t understand.

You see, because a lot of fags and losers are selfish, they think they can put demands on the Doms. They think they can tell the Dom how to act. There is a bit of truth to this – you are paying for the Dom to help with your fantasies. But that does NOT mean you are in charge, and can push your fantasies onto other Doms. Because deep down there is a truth that We know, and that you know… you are inferior, and We are Superior.

Now, it might be Superior in different ways. Some might have Superior bodies they flex; some might have Superior egos that allow them to shout their cocky messages at you; some might have Superior skills of perversion or persuasion or… anything. In my case, it’s my creativity as best shown through the hypnosis, but as I’m also trying to expand through games, non-hypnosis recordings, and more. It’s more than though… it’s just a sense of being better. A sense that I am entitled to your money. A sense that I shouldn’t have to work some dead-end job when I can instead work on the stuff I enjoy – the blogs and hypnosis – because you help pay for it… and at my own work-from-home schedule to boot! No worrying about taking vacation days for days like tomorrow, when I leave to travel for the weekend.

I’ve always been a friendly guy that became friends with all types, and yet whenever I ended up hanging with people I thought weren’t as popular or good-looking… I always felt I was better like them. Like I’d been suckered in because I was too nice, but I belonged somewhere else. And that’s not to say I didn’t hang with cool people too… I just was the type of guy that hung with everyone, especially in college. From cheerleaders to theater geeks to stoners to members of the football team, I took turns hanging with everyone.

And yet, out of that environment, I find myself even more selective. I got messages from people that I don’t want to meet, and instantly pass on them. I have no interest in meeting most of you for real-time sessions. I know there could be real money in it, but I just feel like I’m better than that, and better than most of those people that message. I wait for the cool kids, the handsome guys, etc. And it’s not that I’m perfect myself, though I’ve been working out more. It’s that I just feel SUPERIOR.

Having talked to many of you, I know many of you feel inadequate in some ways. For some, it’s because you think being homosexual means you are lesser, even when you recognize there are those like me that disagree. For some, it’s because of your small cock. For some, you were bullied and it became the only real only thrill you knew in your pathetic existence. For some, you probably didn’t get shown enough love growing up so you try to buy the love of Superior men. It doesn’t matter why… you just know you’re inferior, just as I simply know I AM SUPERIOR.

I don’t need to be aggressive for it. I don’t need to be a control freak for it (as I said above, I love my flexibility). I know from the popularity of this blog and my files and the feedback, that there are enough of you that like my style of Superiority. That appreciate my creativity. Yet every once in a while, I get the people that call me out on not being aggressive enough – even when it’s been well established with them that such a style isn’t what to expect from me.

One particular fag called me out on this, left… then came back. Then did the same thing again. So when he did the same thing a third time (or was it fourth? I’m already starting to lose count), I called him out on it. I do think part of the problem with e-mail is tone – you can never tell a person’s tone. And perhaps I felt more insulted from him than I should have in the first place… but I don’t think he gets it. It is insulting to Me, a Superior, to call me out on something that we both know – and to do it repeatedly. And it’s particular insulting because, as I said above… I put the real me out there. Other guys put on their bravado and fake it, and trust me, I know, because at least one Flirt is (or was?) also c-shwh-re27, and while I won’t out the Flirt ID, if you know who I’m talking about, you might be disgusted to think that is the guy you called and gave your money to. I don’t know if he reads this blog but name slightly edited to prevent google searches. Point being though… I AM ME. So if you don’t like me, and you are inferior …. don’t insult me. Even if you’re trying to be polite with it, stop pointing out the obvious. Yeah, I know I’m not “dominant enough” for a lot of fags that like that rough, hard stuff. I’m honest about it. But I’m perfectly Superior enough to dominate many others, and am not worried about it.

Anyway, I simply pointed out that it was “tiresome” to be called out on this – and the fag freaked out, telling me to fuck off before blocking me. Oh, and reminding me about treating someone the way I did him when I’d taken a lot of his money. I’m pretty sure it was always my money to begin with. As I said though, some of it is just misreading tone… I really thought I was being polite. I had wished him luck in finding a better match. But apparently calling him out for his repeated insults, is enough to set him off.

I still bet he comes back. Maybe not, but if not, some other loser will take his place. Especially as I get new files, new games, so much more going on later this summer … it will all be his loss. And hopefully some other Dominant has better luck with him than I did, because he definitely needs to be put down where he belongs. It’s not the first time he showed way too much attitude. Inferiors don’t get the right to have attitudes. Meanwhile, I have had three others asking me this last week about “can’t you do poppers like this?” and “why don’t you cam with your feet” etc. etc.

Though I’m hoping to expand, it’d be great if they’d just fucking read the FAQ, read the blog, etc. and get an idea of who I am. If they decide I’m for them, great. Let’s do some hypnosis, let’s do some poppers, let’s chat up how you simply crave that cock … whatever. When we communicate, I do try. But if I say that’s not really my style … looking elsewhere, or use me but don’t complain after when it’s not what you’re looking for. I don’t need to hear about how your stupid faggot brain wants something else.

As for those of you who are so much better and get it… well, this is already long, so we’ll save that one for tomorrow 😉

#verbalabuse #financialdomination New Recordings for #smallcocklosers #stupid #faggots & more


I’ve lowered the prices on all pay-per-call non-hypnosis recordings now that I have them all uploaded & approved! Regularly $1.89/minute (may vary by country), they are now only $0.99/minute (ditto). This includes the previously announced Faggot Beratement and Ca$hfag Ca$tigation as well as Muscle Growth Roleplay and Jock Bro Invasion. New files include:

*Probably a bit more on the mocking side than abusive side. It’s just more my style.
Each one is pretty obvious what it mocks 😉

*Based on the concept of confusion inductions, but not full hypnosis files or anything like that. Still, some of you might enjoy them. Look up confusion inductions first if you need to, as others of you will just think they’re stupid. But some of you will be able to truly let go with this style.
FINANCIAL CONFUSION MINDFUCK – Confusing you to accept that MY pleasure is your pleasure as you stroke along.
STUPID CONFUSION – Having each stroke dumb you down so you can just let go and enjoy the night.

Give them a try, leave me some amazing feedback, send some tributes, and don’t forget about all the new games as you BOW DOWN TO THE HYPNOSUPERIOR.


#Fags – Where did you Moms go Wrong? #financialdomination

As I celebrate my fantastic mom who did such a great job raising me into a confident and talented man, I can’t help but wonder how your moms did with you.

I mean, perhaps some of you are like this because you didn’t have a mom, or had a mom with addiction issues, or who was abused or an abuser, or an overbearing mother (anyone watch “Bates Motel” for an example?). However, I’m betting many of you had great moms… just that they didn’t know what to do with you.

They maybe saw there was something wrong with you, but they didn’t know how to address it. So they just ignored the issue, letting you develop further into the weak loser you are. They maybe tried to encourage you that “everything would be okay,” but whatever they suspected probably was nowhere close to the truth of the nasty, perverted thoughts going through your fagmind.

I wonder how many of them would be disappointed in you, if they knew you were giving your money away to a Man like me. Surely having your faggot desires and loser fetishes exposed would test the limits of a parent’s unconditional love. Because it’d take one hell of a mother to keep loving a fucking failure of a man like you.

But, it’s okay to feel ashamed and have your secrets fag. So long as you know that the only way to help you feel better is to give in and pay those Superiors like me you desperately long to serve. Because even if your mom can’t accept you for who you are, I sure can. I can accept you for the pathetic loser you are, so long as you serve me well.

One faggot just tried to screw me over on a deal, and it is all the more reason why I fucking hate fags that make promises. Though I have some that have served me well repeatedly, they typically don’t promise me things – they just enjoy the files and pay when triggered, or make it worth the time for a session, etc. But the ones that are full of promises seem to be full of shit ( yes I mean you 21 Teketeke … you’ll be unblocked when you make it right )… didn’t your moms teach you fuckers the value of being true to what you say, and set you on the right course? If they did, you clearly were too busy being distracted by your perversions to pay proper attention.

But my mom raised me right… perhaps sometimes too right as I’ve realized better how some of you damn inferiors wish to be treated, which I admit has been a learning curve for me. But I have reason to be proud of her, and she has reason to be proud of me. I doubt many of you can truly say the same. I mean, seriously, where did your moms go wrong? But hey, at least if you were to tell your mom that your money is being used wisely, that wouldn’t be a lie – for it’s always wise to send a tribute to your Superior.

New #faggot & #cashfag recordings – #financialdomination #humiliation

Four of my short 6-minute recordings have finally been approved by Niteflirt! Each of the four is $1.89/minute (may vary by country). Given NF has a connection fee and that recordings only earn 50%, anything less is you cashraping me – and we don’t want that.

The two most relevant to this site include (click the green hyperlinks for more & to call):
Ca$hFag Ca$tigation – Where I give out abuse to faggots needing to remember that I deserve their fucking money.
Faggot Beratement – General verbal abuse of pathetic faggots.

Of course, these and a few other upcoming Pay-Per-Calls aren’t truly representative of my more mild natured but HYPNOTIC self… but if you like it and want it live, just let me know faggot. I’m not a fucking mindreader, but if I know you just want an all-out verbal assault, I’ll do my best to put you down in your fucking place.

The two other recordings are for TheMesmerizer profile:
Jock Bro Invasion – Stroke along as the inner jock inside of you pushes out all doubt and invades your mind to leave you that awesome, body-focused, horny simple Alpha jock stud you long to be.
Into a Muscle Freak: Muscle Growth Roleplay – Imagine your muscles getting bigger with each stroke… your pecs… your arms… etc…. and then imagine they keep growing. (This is non-hypnotic but just roleplay – if you wish to feel hypnotic growth, check out the MP3s at http://jockmesmerizer.com).

I must admit I’m somewhat disappointed in Niteflirt’s phone system. The .wav files I uploaded sound inferior to the versions I have recorded on my computer – it must be their phone system. Still, having shorter .wavs to start with (as opposed to the longer ones, or edited down from longer ones from before) does seem to have a marginal improvement in the sound. I just hope any callers also try out some of my free mp3s to see the difference, and to know that the difference is courtesy of Niteflirt.

Anyway, what are you waiting for? I know your fagdick is already twitching to hear what I’ve recorded…. so go ahead and call, and leave me some amazing feedback once you realize just how my creative mind is truly helping to put you in your lowly place.

#Wishlist Catch-up: #financialdomination – Get #Master More #Gifts

Here’s some more I got a bit back from loser Barry but just never got around to posting…. easily a couple hundred dollar value worth haul.

Of course a big part of that was the gift card… which was great to get to buy family birthday presents as I have quite a few to buy for through the year.

And certainly I loved not having to spend my own money on my preferred hair gel.

It’s always better when even things I need are purchased by slaves and fags.

But what really upped the cost here was the two 64GB flash drives – always great to have some of those around.

I bet you’d love to see your own gifts for me posted here… so what are you waiting for? Go ahead and visit my wishlist now – or just send a nice cash tribute.

#Wishlist Wed. – #Leather gloves for #Cashmaster Josh – #findom

Now that I’m getting back to the blog more regularly, it’s time to update with some gifts that cashslaves have bought me, or that I’ve bought using gift cards sent to me. The following came from my bud Damian who doesn’t get to tribute as much as he’d like due to a boyfriend, but I know he always loves it when he can show Me he knows I’m Superior.

In this case, it was with a pair of leather gloves. They look good holding green. 😉


I actually took these pics after the holidays before having my posting plans delayed by lying ex-roommate, and have shaped back up some since this pic, but I bet it still makes you so hot to see your handsome Master wearing a gift from his cashslaves.  

Don’t you just want to add to my pleasure and see a post about Master getting your gift? Of course you do my pay pigs and ATMS! So go on over to my Wishlist… or just send the best gift of all, a tribute of CASH.

To Worship & #Slave Me without #FinDom ? Don’t Think So!

At least not yet.

A while back, I had some files for online slave, online sub, and worship of a more general nature. But I wasn’t always sure who was listening, and I didn’t exactly have time for everyone that was listening. On top of that, I’ve never been one that’s gotten off on giving orders (maybe if it’s a hot sub in person, but even then I tend to prefer hypnotic influence).

Of course, I’ve found ways to do certain online submission … my for Coach files having guys work out and eat right to please me, sending me pics of their progress along the way. And, what this site is all about, financial domination.

The old files have come to mind recently, first because of a sub that gave me an unwarranted bad review of my new “Wor$hip” file – complaining of cash slavery in it when the description said, “erotic hypnosis for financial domination.” If it says for financial domination, it is for financial DOMINATION, and if I put a title with dollar $ign$, the Hypno$uperior is likely wanting your ca$h. So, just because someone can’t read, now I have a negative review that could discourage future buyers of that file, and it’s a damn $hame, I love to be financially wor$hipped.

The other thing that happened is a custom file I was hired for. The person buying the file wants something to be my hypnoslave. He’s too far to meet, nor have I seen a photo. So how does one mold a hypnoslave, when one doesn’t have time for hypnoslaves? Of course, I make time for money if it’s a financial hypnoslave, because it’s always good to make money NOW. Of course, if I’m not in such a session, I’m often working on things with writing scripts, etc., that could help me make money in the future. It’s not like I’m only making time because of the money – but rather, the new activity slides into my schedule, and my timetable for getting the other files gets pushed back. So that’s what I mean when I say I don’t have time, but will make time for cash. Yet, if it’s simply giving orders to online slaves who aren’t paying, how am I enjoying my bills? I bring you pleasure… but what do I get?

My good ATMs and cashslaves understand Master is busy and that his time is always valuable, even though they also know Master does take some time to relax as well. Who doesn’t? But they know I work hard and deserve that time to relax, and also deserve to have any interrupted time properly compensated. They also know that cash is my greatest pleasure, and they love to please me. My workout jocks know that muscle is my second greatest pleasure, and I love to see them getting bigger and stronger for Coach.

The question is, if this guy isn’t into financial domination or showing off his muscle (and I am not sure of these yet, as I’m waiting to hear his response to my last e-mail) – what kind of suggestions do I make for him, when I don’t have the time to be out controlling him?  Because even if I don’t have the time for that, he has paid for a custom file and I do want to make an excellent file for him that he would enjoy. I know one element of it… just trying to figure out everything else. Ideas welcome in the comments.

Always Time to #Tribute – #financialdomination #findom #cashmaster

The other day, I received a message from a sub buddy of mine, that enjoys serving his dominant boyfriend but also enjoys my hypnosis and occasionally serving me financially. He asked, “Is it time to tribute?”

Subs, slaves, fags… it is ALWAYS time to tribute.

If you have just been paid, it is time to tribute.

If you find yourself in a submissive mood, it is time to tribute.

If you’ve just enjoyed my hypnosis, it is time to tribute.

If my Superiority over you comes to mind, then it is time to tribute.

If you need to better a Superior’s life, then it is time to tribute.

If you have a deep need to please a Superior, then it is time to tribute.

If you find that my writing can stir your cock, it is time to tribute.

If you just realized your own cock is stirring at the thought of paying Me, then it is time to tribute.

If you identity as a cashslave…. cash cow…. moneypig…. payslave…. ATM…. cashfag…. or any interchangeable terms such as moneyslave…. or pay pig…. then it time to tribute.

If you know deep down that you are always inferior, then it is always time to tribute your Superior, Master Josh.



Back to #FinancialDomination

It feels like forever since I’ve been able to devote quality time to the blog. I had things all scheduled out for getting things in queue before I had to worry about a move… only to have the matter be forced sooner by the roommate.

Now, I could have still done some more blogging… but I decided to treat myself instead when I had some extra time…. to go see the sights of LA… to try restaurants I had yet to try… to soak it all in before I hit the road. And I did this with what I had saved up from all you inferiors.

Now though, it’s time to restock those savings. Between enjoying myself before heading back to the Midwest, gas and hotels along my journey, a flat tire, leaving some stuff behind and needing to restock up on groceries and essentials, Master has been spending all of your cash. Which means, getting back to being active so I can drain more cash from all my ATMs, pay pigs, and other inferiors.

All those things listed as New Year’s resolutions… well, they may have been delayed. But there still goals for the year. More files. More milking on Niteflirt. More hypnotizing your weak minds to enjoy the pleasure of paying Master Josh. So stay tuned…  there’s more hot financial domination to come.


It was a year ago that I celebrated my first holiday doing hypnosis and financial domination as my primary sources of income, and launched my second official hypnosis site. In honor of that, I’ve discounted prices across all the sites including the hypnosis here, at jockmesmerizer.com and at pigmesmerizer.com.

It’s the perfect time between Christmas today and all those 2015 New Year’s resolutions – keep your eye for some upcoming posts on mine and suggested resolutions for you. In the meantime, be you a hypnoslave, ATM, cashfag, slave-in-training, pig wanting to explore his fetish, wannabe jock, guy into chastity or pup play…. well, you get the idea, there’s a lot to choose from, both mainstream and erotic hypnosis mp3s, ON SALE NOW!

Of course fans of this site are reminded that discounted prices on files are no reason to skimp on those holiday tributes – congratulate me on my anniversary here.


#CashSlaves – what to do with holiday bonus? Give to your #CashMaster #financialdomination

Yesterday I had  a sub write in on Niteflirt:

I got a $200 bonus at work. What your advice on what to do with it.

My response:
“Extra cash should always be given to your Superior.

After all, as you budget to live on your wages, you know what you can afford to live on – and that is all an inferior needs, nothing more.

Since you don’t need it, you should remember that your Cashmaster’s pleasure is your pleasure… since buying things you don’t need would not give you pleasure, you should give to to your Cashmaster, as that would bring you pleasure.

The one exception of something to buy could be more of my hypnosis files to help train that mind.

The rest can all be sent to Me as a tribute as you remember your inferior place and accept that I am your Superior

– Master Josh, the HypnoSuperior”

He proceeded to send $100 as tribute, and split the other $100 between a one-on-one hypnosis session and buying some hypno mp3s to further train him into such a good hypnoslave for me. All good pay pigs and cashfags could learn from his example.

Did you get a bonus at work this holiday? Send it to where it really belongs NOW.

Holidays – #PayPigs & #PaySlaves Pay More, Not Less – #financialfetish #findom

Yesterday I spoke about unexpected expenses – today let me speak of the expected expenses. For example, knowing you’ve spent (or will spend if a last-minute shopper) extra cash this time of year on presents for Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or whatever you might exchange for… perhaps even someone’s birthday or a holiday wedding or cash to get into a New Year’s Eve party.

I understand that means cash is tight, but my philosophy on this has evolved as I have grown while exploring this scene … you can hear the difference in older versus newer files. Of course, sometimes I can’t shake the niceness that is me by nature… it’s just how I was raised… if I say, “Oh it’s okay, I know times are tight.” But deep down, and I need to get better at expressing this, I don’t care. Why should you having to spend more on others, mean spending less on your cashmaster at a time when he also is having to buy more for others? It shouldn’t. You should in fact be paying your cashmaster more at this time of year to make sure he can get nice presents, be it for himself or loved ones. And on top of that, you should be hitting up the wishlists and getting your cashmaster gifts as well… even if it means you’re adding to your debt.

After all, this is the time of year to be generous with one’s giving … and the fact that a Superior might give you even time at all, even if it’s just taking the time to write this blog that you read… that is far more than an inferior like you deserves. So go ahead (though I ask gifts come before 12/28) – hit up my wishlist if you still need to get me something nice for the holiday, it’s not too late… with gift cards very welcome too.  Of course, as I always say, my favorite gift of all is a nice tribute of CASH.