Tag Archives: work bonus

#CashSlaves – what to do with holiday bonus? Give to your #CashMaster #financialdomination

Yesterday I had  a sub write in on Niteflirt:

I got a $200 bonus at work. What your advice on what to do with it.

My response:
“Extra cash should always be given to your Superior.

After all, as you budget to live on your wages, you know what you can afford to live on – and that is all an inferior needs, nothing more.

Since you don’t need it, you should remember that your Cashmaster’s pleasure is your pleasure… since buying things you don’t need would not give you pleasure, you should give to to your Cashmaster, as that would bring you pleasure.

The one exception of something to buy could be more of my hypnosis files to help train that mind.

The rest can all be sent to Me as a tribute as you remember your inferior place and accept that I am your Superior

– Master Josh, the HypnoSuperior”

He proceeded to send $100 as tribute, and split the other $100 between a one-on-one hypnosis session and buying some hypno mp3s to further train him into such a good hypnoslave for me. All good pay pigs and cashfags could learn from his example.

Did you get a bonus at work this holiday? Send it to where it really belongs NOW.