Tag Archives: wishlist

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster New TV – #financialdomination

Though I’m already falling behind due to my travels this week, fall TV shows have just started back up. Helping out is this new TV that MesmerizedSub got yours truly for my birthday.

Though it’s not as big as I deserve (maybe one of you will correct that by buying Me something bigger from my wishlist), it’s still a convenient extra TV.

Even better, it has the benefits of being a SmartTV as well. Hello, Hulu.

Of course, I’m going to be needing a LOT of new furniture & such with my upcoming move. Help your Superior out with a nice cash tribute.

Why just now post something from my birthday? Because often my gifts come in clusters and I’m trying to spread them out for your enjoyment… keeping the blog fresh and updated. Of course, if you all just started buying Me more… 😉

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster Making Gains – plus #payslave reminder – #financialdomination

In an effort to keep transforming my body from cub to musclebear, I’m relying on all of you to help.

Helping with that are a couple of gifts from my wishlist courtesy of My subs – casein powder and a supergreens formula. Perfect additions to my regimen.



Though I’m going to be gone the first full week in October, I’ll be working up right up to then – and then getting right back into it once I’m back from vacation.

Up until vacation, my priority has been and will be fat loss… but I’m switching back to muscle growth when I return. Can’t wait to get these muscles growing stronger and bigger!

Help Master focus on growing his muscle by sending Me that cash that allows Me to remain focused on my goals. After all, your tributes make us both hard – and also give Me time to make my muscles hard.

PAYSLAVES: Also don’t forget we’re at the end of the month. If you haven’t yet paid one of my bills or expenses, do so now! New month starts tomorrow.

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster Shreddin’ Cash – #financialdomination


You think I need your cash, fag?

I don’t need your stinkin’ money!

Fuck you and your cash.

I’m shredding it all.

Of course, the above is a joke… I’m far too greedy to ever shred cash. You know how many things I can buy with cash? Of course, that’s the point… what *I* can buy, because what I want comes before what you need.

Yet, you can still enjoy the thrill of shopping and buy things – so long as you’re doing it for Me, loser. Shop my wishlist and discover what a thrill it is to spend your cash on what someone else wants or needs.

Loser Barry knows. He bought Me this paper shredder which will come in quite handy in helping to keep my information secure from desperate lowlife fags.


To Pay Master Josh is Pleasure – Tribute Here.


Self-Improvement Month, #fag ? Improve the Life of Your #Superior – #findom #financialdomination

September is Self-Improvement Month. It’s certainly something I’ve been working on, not just this month but always, in trying to get more fit, etc. Hypnosis of course is a great way to help with that, and something I’m quite good at as I help others become motivated for fitness as well.  I hope to expand this in the future.

Yet, in what ways can a faggot loser improve? Though it’s possible for some, the sad truth is the most pathetic of you probably can’t (my hypnosis can still help as you accept your place as a submissive or cashfag). Yet  many who have accepted they are inferior also know that they are destined to exist without a sense of ego. Instead of focusing on self-improvement, their focus becomes on how to better improve the life of their Superior.

There are simple ways my life can be made better by a sub, such as leaving positive feedback or sending a small tribute or gift card. Then there are the ways that make my life so good that I can’t help but get hard… the big gifts from the wishlist, the nice big tributes. Whatever you can afford, this month should remind you that you need to be in service of improving the life of your Superior.  Some of you might be a worthless dumbfuck, but even the lowest faggot scum can prove useful by devoting themselves to making My life better.


#Wishlist Wed.: #cashslave worships #CashGod with new tech – #findom #cashmaster #financialdomination

The other week, I foolishly washed and dried my Fitbit One. Yes, even CashGods can make mistakes; it happens. It did not survive. Not wanting to spend My own money on a replacement, I promptly added it to the wishlist where Jo$hWor$hipper saw it and suggested I go with a wristband instead. So I added that to the wishlist with a  ChargeHR that also monitors the heartbeat … total upgrade! And even though it cost more than the One, Jo$hWor$hipper was very happy to buy it for Me.  Thanks Jo$hWor$hipper – I’m loving the gift!


FitBitHRPurchaseGo ahead and worship your God and send me a gift from My wishlist yourself – or get us both hard when you send Me the best gift of all, CASH. IMG_1997

#Wishlist Wed. – #CashMaster on the Go – #financialdomination

Though I was hoping to save some of the gift cards I received for my birthday for fall when I get to upgrade my phone, sometimes “needs” come up first. And sadly, that happened when my current GPS started crapping out on Me. It wasn’t that old, yet was past the point of warranty… so what’s a CashMaster to do?

Well. get a new one He doesn’t have to pay for Himself, obviously!

This cool little Garmin includes lifetime maps, traffic, and all the other great features one might want in a GPS. Already have tested it out, and so far everything is in order with this set. It’s just a touch smaller than the last one but I think I actually prefer it, as it’s easier to stash away and I’m not so blind that the screen size for GPS makes a huge difference.

Thanks to Josh Worshipper, Damien and all others who sent some gift cards.

One thing I’m really struggling with is getting clear photos and I’m in desperate need of a much better camera. Perhaps just this simple one for under $160or splurge on your Superior by paying just over $500 for this one… or check out my wishlist for even more options. Familiar with cameras and want to get me a different one? Send me the link and I’ll add it to the wishlist.

Of course, you can always just send a nice tribute as I save for all the things I want and need.

#Wishlist Wed – #Shoes for #Cashmaster ‘s #Feet – #financialdomination

Just in time for the new workout program I started a few weeks back, Loser Barry got Me a new pair of shoes for my birthday at the end of July. And these were the cheapest of the three items he bought your Superior CashMaster 😉


Like these? You can see even bigger, better photos of My feet in these and other footwear – as well as bare – by playing my new foot game! Or get Me other new footwear and more by visiting my wishlist.  So long as you are pleasing Me and getting your Superior hard!

#Wishlist Wed. – #FinDom Games for #CashMaster

This week, I was surprised to get something in the mail … and on top of that, it was something from my just-updated $hopping $pree game! Hope you had fun playing Lthrsub, as I’ll sure have fun shopping with the gift card!


What will surprise me in the mail next? That might be up to you as you go click on a shopping cart icon – or two, or three – when you go play right now. 😉

#Wishlist Wed. – #Cashmaster Ready for Fun – #financialdomination

Today I’m posting a couple more items from the birthday challenge: one of those convenient folding chairs for when on the go (camping, bbqs, etc.) and the board game Cards Against Humanity (which is tons of fun if you’ve never played it). Thanks to MesmerizedSub for both of these!



Of course, I’d love to have more time to go do these fun activities – and to spend less time working. Click here to make my life easier with a nice big tribute.

#Wishlist Wed. – #Cashmaster Bday #financialdomination

Two of the gifts from my birthday challenge are also the gifts given by those subs that earned this year’s birthday badges. Thanks TakeMyMoneyATM and IndiATM for partaking in the fun! One item was a disc to supplement my Body Beast DVDs … haven’t tried it yet as I just used some of the birthday money to start a six-week gym program and get workout clothes for that, but have truly enjoyed the DVDs – especially since the first set was also a gift from a sub! Meanwhile, tongue cleaners are one of those things I would always think, “I should get one” but then would have it slip my mind out shopping.

Talking to so many fags though, that fiflth was really starting to build up, so this was needed!

More birthday present posts to come in the weeks ahead, as well as other wishlist catch-up 😉 If you’d like to get me a gift, you can learn more about my wishlist here – or just send the best gift of all as you give us both the pleasure… for you, the pleasure of submission…. for Me, that pleasure of my power over you!

#Cashmaster Bday Haul 2015 – #financialdomination #cashslavery

I meant to get this up sooner, but it was quite the busy birthday weekend with calls, text, etc. All the wishes are appreciated, but what I really loved is my birthday haul. I didn’t get everything on the challenge list, but that’s okay, because some of the other gifts I received were bigger & better! Over $500 worth in gifts, which I’ll showcase in the Wishlist Wednesdays coming up. Plus some gift cards and plenty of my favorite gift of all, cash! Two subs, TakeMyMoneyATM and IndiATM, earned the birthday badges as they were the ones that gave both a gift from the challenge and cash, though a special shout out to BarryLoser and MesmerizedSub as well for some of the bigger gifts!


Earn Badges for #FinancialDomination – #Obedience & Loyalty to #CashMaster Josh

Well, I still need to chat with a few of you about your preferred aliases but I wanted to get my new pages launched, so I went ahead and published them – the aliases can still be changed. So, what did I just launch? Well, hopefully some stuff that allows Me to better serve you, as well as to make it more exciting for you to be serving Me!

I’ve compiled them all under the new Submit page above, which lists 15 (and growing?) items you can choose from to earn an obedience badge. I also touch on other ways one can serve Me, though a lot of that is still covered in the relocated Serve page – now under submit as a dropdown menu.

Also in that dropdown menu is the badges page, where you can see 20 (and growing?) badges that you can earn through big tributes, lifetime tributes, ATM service, payslave service, wishlist service, and obedience.

Many of my subs have already earned impressive badges, and you can check all the badges earned by ATMs and slaves here! Having used so many different payment sites in the past, and worked with subs who have used different screennames, I am confident I have forgotten some or made mistakes… so just get at Me if I did leave you off, or don’t have you at a high enough badge. Do keep in mind I go by net profits, so it could be that even though you’ve paid $500 for a badge, I have not received $500 from you due to fees. Also, again, some of you, I need to discuss what you actually want for an alias.

You of course can help choose your new alias by filling out the new submission form, which will give me a better idea about you so that I can better tailor any calls or hypnosis sessions to you.

I am really excited by all these new additions… especially seeing how many of you have already earned badges! I hope you’re excited too as you earn more, and higher, badges and continue to feel the pleasure of serving and paying Master Josh!

p.s. don’t forget about my wishlist challenge for my birthday on Friday!