Tag Archives: Master Josh

#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Working on Goals Thanks to #CashSlaves & #PayPigs – #FinDom

Another example of a replacement item, as my previous food scale did not survive the moves and I've been using my roommate's since then. Knowing I would be moving soon, it was put on the list for DenmarkSub to buy for Me.
And yes, I … Continue Reading ››

Record Powerball – If #CashMaster Wins, He Keeps; If #CashSlave Wins, He Shares – #FinancialDomination

Well Powerball is at an all time high, and I'm sure many of you, like Me, have bought a ticket or two. Or 200, who am I to judge your pathetic waste of cash. Yet, should you have that lucky ticket... You will be sharing. I'm not so cruel to expect you to hand it … Continue Reading ››

#PaySlave for #CashMaster #FinDomGIF – #FinDom #CashSlave #PayPig #FinancialDomination


Addicted #FinDom #Cashslaves & #CashFags Into #FinancialRuin Please #CashMaster with #Tributes

I had a phone call tonight from an addicted cashslave. I've posted about him before, but I must admit I was a little disappointed in the amounts tonight. Tributes 01072016 small But that was just the warm up post-holidays, and soon he was craving me so … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: #CashSlaves Help #CashMaster with Move & Health – #FinDom #FinancialDomination

This is one of three things: 1) a present from MesmerizedSub, 2) something I'll need as I work on my New Year's goals of being healthier as I build muscle, and 3) a replacement for something I already had.
For instance, I had a sub … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $20 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #MoneyMaster #FinDom #PayPig #FinancialDomination

There is a need deep inside of so many of you A need that exists deep down inside your subconscious To serve a Superior man - a God worthy of your cash. There is a want deep inside of so many of you A want that turns into a craving to be used by that God A God you know … Continue Reading ››

2016 Resolutions for #HumanATMs #PayPigs #CashSlaves #Pigs #Slaves #FinDom #FinancialDomination

This is another repost from the year before  - with slight edits for years/etc. and a couple small additions - but still great ideas (of course they're great ideas; they were Mine). FOR ALL OF YOU: 1) Tribute more to your CashMasters & CashGods - you can start here 2) Buy more gifts for your CashMasters … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: #CashSlaves Make Sure #CashMaster Ready for (what?) Winter – #FinancialDomination

One of the items I decided to put on my wishlist now that I'm back in the Midwest, was a big old snow brush and scraper. P1000252 Of course, this winter has ended up incredibly mild, so I shouldn't be needing it as I head off for the … Continue Reading ››

Wishlist Wed: On #CashMaster ‘s Xmas List for #PayPigs #CashSlaves #HumanATMs #CashFags to Buy NOW

Sometimes us CashMasters and FinDoms get busy with real life. For Me, it's quite a whammy of a month that was already busy due to holidays. Traveling for a funeral combined with unexpectedly apartment searching again (as my waiting list fell through), has left Me with less time online taking calls. I mean, I haven't … Continue Reading ››

No Human Rights for #CashFags & Other #Subhuman #Inferiors – #Findom #FinancialDomination

Today is Human Rights Day - a concept that in general I support. Although I'll certainly play into some of these fantasies, at my core, I do not believe any human is more or less deserving of general equality. That said ... not all of you are human. You are subhuman. Though some of you … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Ready to Move with #CashSlave Help – #findom #financialdomination

Okay, so I'm not moving quite yet ... in fact, the place I had decided on isn't having the openings they thought they would, so I am considering other options which may or may not include a roommate, but hopefully includes a decent amount of privacy to still have hot sessions and make hypnotically dominating … Continue Reading ››

New Training Files for #cashfags #humanATMs #slaves #chastity #findom #humiliation #more

Ever have one of those days? Even Superiors like Me have them... I'm on day 5 of a sore throat (which has meant lines off more than intended), although that did give me catch up with editing. Only to have some issues uploading (still waiting on word from one site, but they appear to finally be … Continue Reading ››