Tag Archives: Master Josh

Deep Down You Want This – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

Deep down, you know this is what you want. It is what you have always wanted. Deep down you know you need to feel submissive and inferior to another man. And nothing puts you in your place like giving up some of your hard-earned cash to a superior. It doesn’t matter how much, because the HypnoSuperior is wise enough to know that everybody functions on different budgets and has bills to pay. Everybody needs to take care of necessities. But whenever you think about making a purchase just for the fun of it, you will hesitate. After all, are you really worthy enough to own that? Aren’t you just an inferior piece of meat? Maybe even a thing? You probably can’t even appreciate material possessions because you do not feel worthy enough to own material possessions. You only feel worthy enough to own the basics.

You realize that you would get so much pleasure in giving the Hypno Superior any extra income that you don’t really need. It gives you so much pleasure to know that the Hypno Superior is able to buy the things that give him pleasure. After all, a dominant guy gets whatever he wants simply because he can. He is worth all that you have and so much more. And you love being able to give him pleasure. All that matters is the way Master Josh can take control of your mind. You know that you are inferior, and that is okay because it feels good to know your place. Giving me money helps to remind you of your place, and it makes you feel so good. Feel my superiority over you now. Know that I can make you feel so much pleasure from my words as a wave of relaxation washers over you, taking you deeper and deeper.

It feels so good to be making his life better and to be put in your place. You are here to serve the Hypno Superior. And every single time, the pleasure you get from giving me donations simply grows greater and greater until you achieve pure ecstasy. Think about how good it feels to be my cash slave. My own personal ATM. Feel your cock start to get so hard because being used turns you on so much. Feel how stiff and rigid your cock becomes now. It makes you smile and feel so good inside to know that you are serving a superior man and making him so happy. It feels so good to be making his life better and to be put in your place. This is your place. This is your new greatest need, want and desire. You are here to serve the Hypno Superior.




Increase Your #Debt – #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

I’ve working with an ATM all summer who had previously been programmed by another hypnotist that the sub lost touch with. Combining some of the installed triggers with my own techniques, we’ve been increasing the pleasure he feels each time he gives… as he is more about the pleasure of financial domination than the humiliation of it – which I love. I love making guys feel pleasure as they tribute their Superior.

He has been only doing small amounts here and there as he could afford without going into debt. But he’s been feeling so much pleasure, he’s constantly drawn to pay me more. I try to be respectful of sub’s limits always – I’m a nice guy even as I manipulate inferiors into knowing their place beneath me (or perhaps that makes me evil – a wolf in sheep’s clothing? 😉 ). He once gave me permission to go further and encourage financial ruin – but while enjoying it in the moment, regretted it later and I respectfully backed off that angle.

Last night, he started to remember about how he had previously been encouraged to increase his debt to reduce his Master’s debts – and the thought made his dick so very hard. So we proceeded down this new path – more severe than “what one can afford” but not quite as severe as encouraging ruin, just encouraging a lot of debt whether that results in ruin or not. And he LOVES it. So do I, because it means bigger, higher amount$ more worthy of my time.

So go ahead slaves – send me a TRIBUTE NOW … helping Master Josh the HypnoSuperior and FinDomStud to pay off his debts, as you add to your own. Feel that pleasure of serving a true Superior… feel how hard your cock gets as you click on an amount… then a higher amount. Be it looking at your Niteflirt balance or credit card statements or anything else, seeing your funds decrease and what you owe increase is just such a turn on when you know you’ve given that money to a Superior like Me. If you buy stuff for yourself, it’s just debt that stresses you out. But when that money is given to Master Josh, you look at that debt and feel yourself getting so turned on…. feeling so much pleasure…. for that is the power of my hypnosis…. my voice… my words…. TRIBUTE NOW!!!!

#Cashfags Have No Wants, Just Need to Give Away #Money – #FinancialDomination

Last night I talked to a real faggot. I do not know his sexuality, my followers know I do not mean fag as a gay insult… but fag as the lowest form of human scum, straight, bi, gay doesn’t matter, all that matters is that fags are disgusting perverts.

There is no doubt he was a fag… needing to be watched as he stroked and reminded of what a loser he was wasting his life away, sticking out his tongue imagining it on my cock. He was disgusting. And yet here he was, giving away his money to me.

When it comes down to it, that’s all a cashfag wants or needs. Someone to give away their money to, or to take their money. Have no doubt that even when you give to me freely after a hypnosis session – I am still taking your money. I am molding your mind to make you more likely to give, and to give to me. Even a “tribute” after my hypnosis… isn’t exactly a tribute. I am fucking with your mind to fuck with your wallet.

And cashfags… some care about bills, some don’t and crave that ruin. But even the ones that have their needs taken care of, they have no wants. Not in the traditional sense. They don’t need a nice TV or luxury car or to take a vacation. All they need is to be reminded of what a faggot they are… that their extra money is NOT something they deserve… that they exist to be used, and that includes financially.

If you’re reading this fag, check out some of my files and recordings meant to fuck with your weak little mind, and start preparing to send over lots and lots of cash. For even if it’s on the TRIBUTE page… is it truly a “tribute” when I’ve fucked with your mind? Let me in, listen daily, and let Master Josh and his hypnosis truly take advantage of you – and your accounts.