Tag Archives: Master Josh

Took Advantage of #CashFag for $1000 & Gifts – #PayPig #MoneySlave #FinDom #FinancialDomination

Been busy working on some custom files I was hired for, but this evening I was able to break for a nice long session with one of my favorites, Loser B. We last had a big session in October - in which I pushed him past his limit - and he said how it took months … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: Growing Muscle Tastier for #CashMaster Thanks to #PayPig #CashSlave Worship

I'm just getting back into the groove of regularly lifting after an unexpectedly time-consuming year, and am more committed than ever to transforming this body.
And thanks to a generous sub who wishes to remain anonymous, I'm enjoying my breakfast more than ever before and … Continue Reading ››

#ATMS PAY $40 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

ATMS PAY $40 NOW. ATMS PAY $40 NOW. ATMS PAY $40 NOW. It’s automatic. That trigger is in your mind. Taking over. My hypnosis has been programming you. You are part machine. The machine takes over. You are part automated teller machine. The ATM of Master Josh, the Financial Domination Stud Existing to provide Me, your Superior, with convenience. Dispensing cash … Continue Reading ››

Big Game #FinancialDomination Fun – #CashSlave #CashFag #PayPig Football #FinDom Assignment

Some people watch for the game, and some watch for the ads... and I thought it'd be fun to play a game for those in the U.S. and other places that are able to watch the big event. The rule for this to count only the the ads during the game - not preshow or postshow - … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: #FinDom Stud Improving #Hypnosis Skills to #MindFuck #PayPigs & #CashFags

I've had quite a few posts talking about gifts for fitness and muscle, but that's not the only area I'm hoping to improve in this year.
One of the other areas is obviously hypnosis. Which is why I'm grateful to HypnoSlaveDrew for stocking Me up with a … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: #CashMaster Getting Settled & Fit Thanks to #CashSlaves – #FinDom #FinancialDomination

I haven't had a chance to check out the local gyms yet, but I've got things set up here so that I can do a lot getting started from home, thanks to all the moneyslaves, paypigs and cashfags that have sent gifts this past year.
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#CashGod Loves to Influence the #Inferior Lives of #MoneySlaves & #CashFags – #FinancialDomination

If God exists, one could understand why He gave us "free will" - because trying to manage multiple slaves is a time consuming bitch, especially when the bitches don't make it worth your time. And so I've always said - and it will continue to be true - that I prefer to "influence" as oppose … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Wed: Moving On, Wanting More From #PayPigs #MoneySlaves #CashFags – #FinancialDomination

While I've highlighted a few things I needed to get again after being lost in the moves, there are a couple of purchases and gifts that perhaps won't be used as much.
That's certainly the case, at least for now, for this portable burner which … Continue Reading ››

Remember #CashSlaves & #PayPigs: Tax Refunds Go to #CashMaster – #FinDom #Hypnosis

#ATMS PAY $55 NOW – #HumanATM #CashSlave #FinancialDomination

My Automated Teller Machines, as I start the process of unpacking and seeing what I need, I am hitting you up to help pay for those things. ATMS PAY $55 NOW! You respond so automatically, so obediently, so instantly. You have no choice. The trigger takes over. You are being programmed every time you listen to my … Continue Reading ››

Even Busy Moving, #CashMaster Still #CashDrains #HumanATM / #CashSlave – #FinDom

Even though I'm busy moving, I found some time for a nice little cashrape session, draining money from one of my humanATMs. Because I am moving, keeping this blog short. But if you too want to help Me with my moving costs, you can TRIBUTE HERE.Tributes01162016Continue Reading ››

#CashSlave Testimonials for My #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis & #FinDom Recordings – Rave Reviews

Catching up on some more feedback and testimonials... don't forget cashmaster loves your positive feedback. If you wish to send in other feedback, or wish to leave some anonymously, you can contact me privately. The below is taken directly from Niteflirt and is already publicly viewable on there: From Live Listings & Main Profile: "Excellent call … Continue Reading ››