Tag Archives: Master Josh

Your #Cock Under #Hypno – #cashgod #financialdomination

It's amazing how much wor$hip can be tied in to cocks. My brainwashed ATM strokes during each session because it creates a stronger connection to his mind, for him - and many others are similar. But for some, it goes beyond that. Of course, there are those that love the thought of worshipping some Master's huge … Continue Reading ››

An #ATM Feels Pleasure to #Tribute #CashMaster Josh – #financialdomination

The following text is a slightly edited (for readability & privacy reasons) excerpt from a recent conversation with an ATM, mostly ahead of a session (which I haven't included here due to length, but maybe I'll post some of that soon too 😉 ). But re-reading this, I thought it was kind of hot - and I bet … Continue Reading ››

Missed Anniversary – Whoops! Too Busy with #CashRapes & #FinancialDomination Games

So, I was thinking the anniversary of this blog was coming up at the end of May, and when I ended up traveling two weekends in a row, I had a feeling I had missed marking the one year anniversary of this blog. Well, I just went back to look at when the first post … Continue Reading ››

#verbalabuse #financialdomination New Recordings for #smallcocklosers #stupid #faggots & more

CHECK OUT THE DETAILS ON THE RECORDINGS PAGE I've lowered the prices on all pay-per-call non-hypnosis recordings now that I have them all uploaded & approved! Regularly $1.89/minute (may vary by country), they are now only $0.99/minute (ditto). This includes the previously announced Faggot Beratement and Ca$hfag Ca$tigation as well as Muscle Growth Roleplay and … Continue Reading ››

#Fags – Where did you Moms go Wrong? #financialdomination

As I celebrate my fantastic mom who did such a great job raising me into a confident and talented man, I can't help but wonder how your moms did with you. I mean, perhaps some of you are like this because you didn't have a mom, or had a mom with addiction issues, or who was … Continue Reading ››

New #faggot & #cashfag recordings – #financialdomination #humiliation

Four of my short 6-minute recordings have finally been approved by Niteflirt! Each of the four is $1.89/minute (may vary by country). Given NF has a connection fee and that recordings only earn 50%, anything less is you cashraping me - and we don't want that. The two most relevant to this site include (click the green … Continue Reading ››

Quiet Yet Busy Taking #FagCash- #financialdomination

Okay, so I haven't posted much this past week... but don't you worry about a thing ATMs and pay pigs. I haven't disappeared. In fact, I've been working on exciting new things to add to the blog - some of which will finally get added this week. A couple things are already submitted to Niteflirt and … Continue Reading ››

Big Bills for #PaySlaves & Addicted #ATMs – #financialdomination

Well, yesterday I had a bit of a bill shock when I took my car into the shop and the estimate was much more than expected. I still don't know the total, and am hoping that it won't get any worse than the bad news I've already been given. One bright spot is an ATM eager … Continue Reading ››

#Cashmaster loves #shopping with #fagcash & giftcards

Now, those cash tributes go to a variety of things - bills, food, taxes, savings, social life fun... but the gift cards are of course designated for shopping. I could of course also save gift cards and let them pile up, since the ones I get most commonly don't expire... yet, I always find myself … Continue Reading ››

For #Poppers #Fags – #financialdomination #findomgif

This GIF is for the Poppers Fags... it's slower than my hypnotic gifs as it's meant to give you time to pay for your sniffs, but I think you'll still find that it's quite effective on your little faggot dicks. So go ahead, get Niteflirt open to pay the HypnoSuperior or click here to pay … Continue Reading ››

#Wishlist Catch-up: #financialdomination – Get #Master More #Gifts

Here's some more I got a bit back from loser Barry but just never got around to posting.... easily a couple hundred dollar value worth haul. Of course a big part of that was the gift card... which was great to get to buy family birthday presents as I have quite a few to buy for … Continue Reading ››

Always Time to #Tribute – #financialdomination #findom #cashmaster

The other day, I received a message from a sub buddy of mine, that enjoys serving his dominant boyfriend but also enjoys my hypnosis and occasionally serving me financially. He asked, "Is it time to tribute?" Subs, slaves, fags... it is ALWAYS time to tribute. If you have just been paid, it is time to tribute. If you find … Continue Reading ››