Continuing with last week’s theme, I also received a DVR expander for My cable box from MesmerizedSub at the same time. And I’m so glad it works with My cable company’s DVR.
And once again, it saves Me time. I’d often set movies to record for HBO but then keep re-scheduling them to avoid clogging up the DVR. With the expander, I can actually let them record and let them just sit until I am ready to watch them. I’ve learned these are also compatible with Tivos, so I have more of these on My list as well (though it says I have 2 already, one was from a sub that flaked and I never received it).
The price tends to fluctuate depending on if in stock – $160 when in stock, sometimes more when other sellers. MesmerizedSub took advantage of it being in stockI’m definitely so proud of the progress he has made listening to My hypnosis and I can’t wait to continue with all this enjoyment courtesy of him – and perhaps you when you go pay My cable bill or buy Me more gifts to enjoy.
And of course, the one thing I always enjoy is when you send Me a big fat cash tribute!