Tag Archives: Worship
Posts of worship and praise
It’s My Party Day – Good Reason to #Tribute #CashMaster #PayPig #FinDom
Today is "It's My Party Day" - so let's party! Or rather, why don't you guys realize you are meant to sacrifice such fun as you work, work, work to make us CashMasters more so that WE can party.
I'm feeling in the mood to go out, it is also the weekend after all... why so … Continue Reading ››
Travels Coming Up #FinancialDomination #Tribute #Cashslave
Hello Cashslaves... the holidays will be here before we know it.
Two things that can help me out there... Amazon gift cards for me to do some shopping for the family (and actually, I've been in the mood to go on a shopping spree - though perhaps somebody else would like to assist me … Continue Reading ››
Do Something Nice – Pay Me #FinancialDomination #Tribute #PayPig
Today, October 5th, is "Do Something Nice."
So here's your chance paypigs to do something nice and feel that rush of giving to a true Superior
After all, I'd sure like to treat myself to something nice on Do Something Nice Day...
Oh, I know... I'm twisting what the day is about and being … Continue Reading ››
Excerpt from Old #FinancialDomination #CashSlave #Hypnosis Script
I, Master Josh, am superior. I am the Hypno Superior. You know deep down that I am superior and deserve that money more than a peon like you could ever deserve it. And even if you worked hard to earn it, you know that working hard is simply your place in life and that I don’t even … Continue Reading ››
#CashFags #Cashslaves – Pay Your #Dues – #FinancialDomination
This one is for the cashfags....
You are inferior. That’s right. You are nothing but a puny faggot, and deep down you know it. And you know that you were only put on this earth to serve superior men. That’s right fag. You were put on this earth to be used. You understand that, and you … Continue Reading ››
Catching Up with a #Hypno #CashSlave – #FinancialDomination
From a recent chat with a recurring cashslave that has listened to many of my files... this is the pleasure and enjoyment my hypno cashslaves get from serving me!
cashslave: talking about commitment... reading all those dollar $ign$ in Your messages reminding me... HypnoSuperior: Ye$ -- it ha$ been a while 😉 Bet it'd feel good to $end … Continue Reading ››
cashslave: talking about commitment... reading all those dollar $ign$ in Your messages reminding me... HypnoSuperior: Ye$ -- it ha$ been a while 😉 Bet it'd feel good to $end … Continue Reading ››
Love My Recurring #Cashslaves – #FinancialDomination
I often am asked how many regulars I have. The truth is, I have far more "semi-regulars" and, their brags aside, I think the same is true for most cashmasters.
There are a couple reasons for this. One is that cashslaves aren't made out of money - though don't I wish I could find a sugarslave! … Continue Reading ››
Morning #Worship #FinancialDomination #NiteFlirt
Good morning my little peons! Rise and shine ready to worship all your Masters! Sunday is a day to praise your cashmasters and financial gods as you worship at their altars.
And of course, I hope many of you are worshipping at my altar... praising Master Josh, the Hypno Superior, for the files he has made available … Continue Reading ››
#Hypnosis #MP3 Spotlight: #Worship Your #God – #FinancialDomination
An erotic session to stroke along too, Wor$hip is one of those files for inferiors that like to view their Master not just as Superior, but as a God. It plays heavily on religious themes, from the idea that you are listening to a sermon to getting to worship at my altar.
So go ahead, and … Continue Reading ››
#Payslave #Inferior #Worship #Superior #Master Josh – #FinancialDomination #FinDom
Some of you might have already seen this in the comments, but I thought it was worth a post - from a payslave.
I deserve NOTHING. He deserves everything
I am inferior He is Superior
I am so graced with a MASTER who takes time from HIS day to rape me, humiliate me, … Continue Reading ››