Tag Archives: fagtax

#ATMS PAY $65 NOW – #FAGTAX EDITION #financialdomination

April 15th, ATMs... that means I need your inferior taxes, fag taxes, and loser taxes to help pay my own taxes. ATMS PAY $65 NOW. ATMS PAY $65 NOW. ATMS PAY $65 NOW. Just giving in to the trigger.... knowing you must obey.... Knowing that it always feels so good to help Master out.... Letting him withdraw from his … Continue Reading ››

A #FinancialDomination Xmas Eve Poem #Master #Slave

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a louse TheĀ dogslaves were nestled all snug in their cages, While the cashfags had dreams of handingĀ me wages. When out on the lawn I heard a loud jingle And peered out to see my fellow Sir, Master Kringle The stump of a pipe was … Continue Reading ››

New #Hypnosis #File for #JockSlave #FagTax #FinancialDomination #Niteflirt

I have a new file based on a custom file, but slightly edited to be a bit more generic than the customer's version (which included his name, as well as the new derogatory & possessive name he'd like to go by as he gets coached & molded by me). This file is to … Continue Reading ››