This is the last weekend to pay your taxes in the U.S….. are you having to pay in, or getting a refund?
Regardless of where you live, your answer is, YES, I am having to pay in to Master Josh. For even if you already have to pay in, you must be squeezed even further….
For any confused on why I said last weekend and not day when the 15th is on a weekday: “In D.C., when Emancipation Day falls on a Saturday, as it does this year, the celebration moves back a day to Friday. And because Washington, D.C. holidays are essentially considered federal holidays for government workers in the capital, the next business day is Monday. ”
And if you are getting a refund, you know that the extra income should go to a Superior that you know deep down is so much more worthy of that cash than you are….
So, go ahead, piggies and cashfags …. PAY IN TO MASTER JOSH.