I Know #PayPigs & #CashSlaves Been Missing #CashMaster #HypnoMaster – #FinDom #FinancialDomination

Man, what have you all been stroking to without some fresh posts from Me? CashMaster Josh has been a bit busy with other priorities lately, but hopefully things calm down soon. But I knew I couldn’t leave you all hanging too long without a post reminding you of just how Superior I am… and of just how much you want and need to worship Me.

Despite being busy, I’ve still had my lines on some, still done other sessions some, still been making more cash. And I know that just leaves you in such awe, doesn’t it, my moneyslaves and humanATMs? That even when you don’t see that evidence on here, that I am making more cash, or am off enjoying that cash.

I know these things get you hard and excited. I know these things turn you on because you are an inferior needing a powerful Superior to remind you of your place. I know for some of you, it is about that loss of control, and you know no one is as skilled at helping you lose that than the HypnoSuperior as you give in to my words. And I know deep down, you know all this to be true.

Why don’t you show Me just how much you’ve been missing My posts this last week and convince Me to write some more before the week is up by sending Me a nice tribute here.


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