Though I was hoping to save some of the gift cards I received for my birthday for fall when I get to upgrade my phone, sometimes “needs” come up first. And sadly, that happened when my current GPS started crapping out on Me. It wasn’t that old, yet was past the point of warranty… so what’s a CashMaster to do?
Well. get a new one He doesn’t have to pay for Himself, obviously!
One thing I’m really struggling with is getting clear photos and I’m in desperate need of a much better camera. Perhaps just this simple one for under $160 … or splurge on your Superior by paying just over $500 for this one… or check out my wishlist for even more options. Familiar with cameras and want to get me a different one? Send me the link and I’ll add it to the wishlist.
Of course, you can always just send a nice tribute as I save for all the things I want and need.