Being a Humbug Scrooge – #FinancialDomination Musings

Today is Humbug day, and that is so how I feel. The stress of apartment searching on top of a grueling month between the holidays and a funeral… I did enjoy getting to spend time with friends this weekend and saw the latest Star Wars of course. Despite a good weekend, I just haven’t felt like posting here a lot though. I’m definitely going to try to get a few posts in before I travel again (yes, again – thanks to all the cashslaves that allow Me to travel so much to visit family, and consider this my travel notice that I’ll have limited availability Dec 24th thru Jan 2nd or so). But tonight is one of those nights where I do just want to say, “Bah, humbug.”

Perhaps I’ll wake up to some nice big tributes to make tomorrow seem a bit better… after all, if I’m going to be a Scrooge, one might as well be a rich Scrooge and swim in a pile of gold like Scrooge McDuck. Damn, I am going to need a lot more cashslaves to make that happen someday 😉

But I can start with you loser …. go ahead… SEND THAT CASH WHERE IT TRULY BELONGS.


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