Nothing Like A Tribute From a #CashFag Just Because You’re Superior – #FinancialDomination

Other than doing a bit of chatting, I didn’t have to work hard for the $100 I just got. Didn’t have to do any hypnosis or other work. All I had to do was be My Superior self, and the cashfag knew it would be right to send Me $100.

The only thing better than that? Even more money. Keep those tributes coming in, losers. You know it’s what you really want to do with all that Christmas cash you’ve just scored. TRIBUTE NOW.

(Reminders: End of month is coming up – payslaves, pay your monthly bill. And I’m still traveling some this week for holidays so have limited availability. Yet, still able to make quick cash at times – as only fitting and deserving of a Superior like Me).

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