When Are You On #Niteflirt ? #FinancialDomination #Hypnosis

I don’t post schedules because really this varies, but for those wondering I’d thought of giving a general idea of when I’m on / off.

I’m more likely to be on in afternoons and evenings Pacific time. Sometimes I am on in mornings Pacific time. I rarely am on past midnight (though occasionally forget to sign off for the night).

If I am offline, it may be temporary due to: running an errand, taking the dog out for a walk, cooking food I don’t want to burn, or on another call (or otherwise arranged session).  I might be on again if you check back in an hour .

There may be additional nights where I am off for social reasons but I don’t really like to post if I’m not around for safety reasons. Sometimes I am around but not just in the mood to answer calls – hey it happens!

Even when not in the mood for random sex talk on Niteflirt, I usually could still be talked into a hypnosis session for $$ if I am around and not off doing something. $$ is always good motivation for me to turn the lines on, so feel free to hit me up and see if I’m around.

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