#billslaves / #payslaves your bills are due!

If you just started listening this month, today’s payment is optional and required payment starts next month for you. Everyone else that’s been listening or has accepted this assignment without the hypnosis aspect, PAY NOW.

If you haven’t yet, then you really should buy my billslave file and allow my Superior words to mold your weak inferior minds into taking care of one of my bills. It’s time for you to sacrifice and suffer as you feel your budget tightening more and more, all while mine frees up when you pay my bills like the good little losers you are.

2 thoughts on “#billslaves / #payslaves your bills are due!”

  1. Sorry Master Josh….just missed the due by date…..will send it this weekend with a self imposed fine of $20 on top. I guess this is an indication that I still need more training so I will need to listen to the Bill Slave file over next few days. Once again…apologies for the inconvenience to You Master Josh

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